Unions in the Schoolhouse Door
It was 1963 when George Wallace famously stood in the schoolhouse door, proclaiming "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." Almost sixty years later, minority children are falling behind in those schools Wallace tried to bar them from attending. Not in every public school, but especially in the largest urban school districts nationwide. It's not all minorities, either. Asians, as a whole, are still outperforming Whites in most public schools. For some reason, Black and Latino students are not getting the education they deserve from our public schools. This column examines some of those reasons, and common sense solutions. It's important to remember who controls these public school districts. Virtually all of them are controlled by Democrat administrations, and have been for decades. These administrations have remained in power thanks to the power of the public sector unions, especially the teachers' unions. In fact, in many jurisdictions, it ...