Political Projection
Have you ever noticed, or heard about how an unfaithful partner in a relationship always acts jealous, constantly accusing the faithful partner of infidelity? It's called projection, when a person projects their own faults onto others. It happens to be fairly common in politics, as well. In particular, the Democrats have done all of the following: Accused the Trump campaign of Russian collusion, when Hillary's campaign actually did collude with Russians. This one is breaking news these days , but the left wing media are not reporting it. However, the truth is that Hillary's campaign used Russian sources to fabricate claims about Trump, and then used political allies in the intelligence services to initiate the Special Counsel probe, after she lost the election. The Democrats fed on this lie for years, and undermined Trump's presidency to an unprecedented degree. How much of the supposed "turmoil" and "craziness" of his term could have been avoide...