Political Projection

   Have you ever noticed, or heard about  how an unfaithful partner in a relationship always acts jealous, constantly accusing the faithful partner of infidelity? It's called projection, when a person projects their own faults onto others. It happens to be fairly common in politics, as well. In particular, the Democrats have done all of the following:

Accused the Trump campaign of Russian collusion, when Hillary's campaign actually did collude with Russians. This one is breaking news these days, but the left wing media are not reporting it. However, the truth is that Hillary's campaign used Russian sources to fabricate claims about Trump, and then used political allies in the intelligence services to initiate the Special Counsel probe, after she lost the election. The Democrats fed on this lie for years, and undermined Trump's presidency to an unprecedented degree. How much of the supposed "turmoil" and "craziness" of his term could have been avoided if the Democrats and their media allies weren't gaslighting the whole world?

Impeached Pres. Trump over a phone call with the Pres. of Ukraine, claiming he demanded a "quid pro quo," while there was a video of Joe Biden BRAGGING about doing that exact same thing

Claimed Trump supporters are domestic terrorists and fascists, while Antifa actually burned buildings and attacked people for their political beliefs. The Summer of 2020 was quite unique, with COVID hitting at the same time that the nation was hit with a wave of rioting under the guise of racial protests. While many people felt the need to peacefully protest in public, almost every single one of those events presented an opportunity for Antifa, a group with a long history of violence. Their name is short for "Anti-Fascist," but the people they claim are Fascists are actually Capitalists, and hence they attack private businesses, and economic summits. Antifa employs classic Fascist tactics, using violence for a political goal. Very few Democrats condemn them, and many say that they don't even exist. Decades ago, they only rioted in any city that was hosting a global economic gathering. 2020 was their big debut across America, and this is where it gets interesting. They wreaked havok across the nation, and the media reported it as "mostly peaceful protests," even with burning buildings in the background. The classic CNN visual may have been a turning point, when it looked like a guy caught in bed with another woman, telling his girl "Who are you gonna believe, me, or your eyes?"

Then came Jan. 6th, and all of a sudden, a bunch of people who had never done anything like this decided to take a page from Antifa's book. After seeing these leftie anarchists get away with a whole Summer of rioting and property destruction, they were pissed off enough to try it themselves. It looks as if the FBI may have had assets encouraging them, but in any case, there was a riot at the Capitol. Because these were Trump supporters, the Dems had similar reaction to it that they had upon Trumps election: The full force of the federal government was brought to bear on these individuals, with no regard to their human or legal rights. Pres. Trump was impeached for a second time, in about a week! The National Guard was summoned to "protect" DC for months, in a bizarre kabuki theater attempt at showing how deeply "democracy" was threatened, that day. I don't think that claim holds water any more, and it will probably come back to bite the Democrats in the ass, once the trials expose the facts.

Claimed Trump supporters, Republicans, and independent voters are racists, while BLM, CRT supporters, and "antiracists" actually judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character. Going back to the well, Democrats have claimed that Republican victories in Virginia and elsewhere were the result of a "racist dog whistle," even though the Lt. Gov.-elect is a black woman. I actually saw one person say that she was a puppet, speaking the words of "white supremacy". That looks like "race-hustling" to me, and it seems to remove any "agency," as the progs like to say, from the Lt. Gov.-elect. Why is he claiming she can't think for herself? Racism exists in all races. The problem with BLM and CRT is that they assign "oppressor" and "victim" status to races, which is just nonsensical. What's just as nonsensical is that any white person would buy into the idea that considering all people of color as "victims," they are not being racist. Why would anyone think that, unless they have some other agenda, such as dividing people by race. This is why so many people that are not white see through this BS, and are leaving the Democrat party, because that's who's pushing it.

Claimed Republicans are in the pocket of big business and the rich, while making regulations that only big business can afford, and tax loopholes like the SALT deduction that benefit the rich. There was a time that the GOP was considered the party of the rich, and big business. One should also remember that most of that time was the forty years that the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, where tax laws are written. So while Democrats imposed some of the highest tax rates, they also created loopholes that allowed the rich to escape them. They also imposed labor regulation on businesses, and got votes in return. Only big businesses could afford the wages that labor unions demanded, so upstart competitors were effectively shut down. In other words, Democrats and big labor have tried to control big business in the US for decades, which is why small businesses are the real backbone of this nation. Republicans favor less regulation and lower taxes to allow new people and businesses to compete, which brings lower prices for consumers. In the new internet economy, the digital moguls are all Democrats, and they think that they can move the party, and even the nation, to a far-left reality. They are failing at that, because people can live without most of their services.

Accuse Republicans and Conservatives of trying to politicize education by banning books and other materials from curricula, as they have allowed education in America to be controlled by the teachers' unions, at the expense of educating our children. With Democrat-appointed administrators and elected school boards in charge of the largest school districts, minority children have fallen further behind than they have ever been, and ALL children in public schools have fallen far behind children around the globe. If anything, it looks as if classic Western literature is what's being banned, in service of a "woke" political agenda. They have also claimed that parents who oppose critical race theory are racists, even when they are not white. Democrats have lead the charge in attacking tests, giving standardized grades, and gifted and talented classes and schools. Ask a Democrat why they support policies that harm Asian-Americans, and you'll get either a blank stare, or a word salad that equates Asians with whites, basically. This is the actual politicization of education, because the teachers' union's mission is to protect the worst teachers, not the students. They also control the Democrat party from the President on down. For an example of this, how did AFT president Randi Weingarten get to have any say in the CDC's guidance on school re-openings? The game is over, and they have been exposed to the parents, who have now seen the political aspect of it, and are not happy.

Accused parents who complained at school board meeting of being domestic terrorists. That sounds crazy, but it really happened, and AG Merrick Garland has not rescinded his order, even though the National School Board Association has disavowed the letter it sent to Pres. Biden, which prompted the AG's order. The dust hasn't settled on this, as it looks as if the White House coordinated with the AG to try and silence parental dissent from the education establishment. In a recent news story, an Arizona school board president is under police investigation for keeping a "dossier" on "some outspoken parents who oppose mask mandates and critical race theory." All of this is going to swing millions of votes away from the Democrats, and may begin to end the decades-long liberal dominance of education.

Claimed to "follow the science" on climate change, while calling anyone who has questions a "denier," who must be silenced. That is not the scientific method, it's the opposite. The issue here isn't actually climate change at all, but what policies and resources should be allocated to it. Unfortunately, Democrats and left wing Green activists do not have any intention of a gradual transition to lowering CO2 emissions, instead attempting to end all fossil fuel use, with no feasible replacement available. Even as this is causing rolling blackouts in California, and spikes in electricity and heating costs, anyone who questions this course of action is ridiculed as bein "in the pocket" of "big oil." The truth is that they are under the sway of this radical green religion, where dogma has replaced debate. 

Claimed to "follow the science" on COVID-19, while making lockdown and business closure rules that were anything but scientific. The mask mandates also seemed to only apply to people who were not on the political left: the BLM protests and Antifa riots were not called "superspreader" events, but any Trump event was, as well as anything that happened in Florida, with or without masks. I can't even list the number of Democrat pols who have been caught violating their own mask and lockdown mandates, but here are fourteen. People saw through this fairly early, and realized it as a naked power grab by mostly Democrat state officials. 

   This is not to say that the GOP doesn't have it's share of hypocrites, just that they haven't had the chance to shine as brightly as the Democrats have, over the last year or three. What's happened has been a very strange and stressful period in US history, and both Pres. Trump and COVID had some hand in it. However, the biggest revelation that has come out of the past few years is that so much of the Democrats' true agenda has been revealed to more and more average, nonpartisan Americans. This is thanks to Pres. Biden allowing them to control his administration, and refusal to push back when it is failing. Of course, there are many other policy fiascoes that are compounding those listed here (Afghanistan withdrawal, inflation and the economy, to name two). However, the effect of this political projection is that anything Pres. Biden or any Democrat now says about an opponent now reflects back onto them. People are beyond not trusting; they suspect the worst of this bunch, and with good reason.


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