The Trump Opposition
It's very hard not to side with Pres. Trump right now. For the life of me, I know that he is a blowhard jackass, who very well may have violated every check and balance that our Constitution places on a president. In that, he's not alone. I can cite multiple times that his predeccessors did the same. Pres. Obama was struck down by the SCOTUS 9-0 on at least one of his illegal policies, and we all know that GW Bush, "Slick" Bill Clinton, and even Pres. Reagan violated laws, and the Constitution, at various times. Sometimes they were thwarted, and other times they got away with it. You see, what the founders of our nation set up was a system of "checks and balances," that kept any one branch from getting too much power. In the nations younger days, presidents ignored SCOTUS rulings , with Pres. Jackson saying that Chief Justice Marshall "has made his decision, now let him come enforce it." Today's politics are very different, but one thing r...