The Trump Opposition

   It's very hard not to side with Pres. Trump right now. For the life of me, I know that he is a blowhard jackass, who very well may have violated every check and balance that our Constitution places on a president. In that, he's not alone. I can cite multiple times that his predeccessors did the same. Pres. Obama was struck down by the SCOTUS 9-0 on at least one of his illegal policies, and we all know that GW Bush, "Slick" Bill Clinton, and even Pres. Reagan violated laws, and the Constitution, at various times. Sometimes they were thwarted, and other times they got away with it.

  You see, what the founders of our nation set up was a system of "checks and balances," that kept any one branch from getting too much power. In the nations younger days, presidents ignored SCOTUS rulings, with Pres. Jackson saying that Chief Justice Marshall "has made his decision, now let him come enforce it." Today's politics are very different, but one thing remains the same: the power resides in the willingness of the government to use force to achieve a political objective. 

   When Donald Trump ran for office, the "establishment" tried to use subterfuge, and the government intelligence bureaucracy to kneecap his campaign. It was a blatant abuse of power, and had to be approved by the Obama administration. We're all familiar with how the Clinton campaign was able to place the Steele dossier into the system, and how it became the predicate for the Mueller investigation. The most interesting part was that Trump still won, which most people blame that on Anthony Wiener's laptop, with Hillary's emails on it. That, in itself was a crazy detour that even the intelligence bureaucracy couldn't forsee, and FBI director Comey had to blow up everything in response to it.

   Director Comey did his best to undermine the newly elected president, by sending FBI agents to the WH for a "friendly" interview with Gen. Flynn, without proper vetting or counsel. The agents who conducted that interview initially stated that there was nothing amiss in Flynn's actions, but somehow, there was a case built on him not being accurate in everything he said. This is a classic "trap," and why he should have had counsel present. He was forced out as Pres. Trump's National Security Advisor, and his life was destroyed. The FBI used potential charges against his son as leverage.

   Director Comey then took notes of a conversation with Pres. Trump, right before he was fired. He illegaly kept copies of them, and admittedly gave them to a friend, who leaked them to the media. These notes became the basis of the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. It all wraps up so neatly, doesn't it? There is an "establishmeny/bureaucracy" in DC, that doesn't want anyone with "outside eyes" to see how they are running the country. Pres. Trump was "outside eyes," and it explains much of the radical things he proposed.

   I'll skip all of the stuff that happened in the runup to the 2020 election, except to share this story. There were enough irregularities, of all kinds, on so many local and statewide fronts, that I can't write off all the claims of Trump supporters. In any case, I respect the outcome of the 2020 election, and don't believe it was stolen. At the same time, I am appalled at Trump's behavior during the Jan. 6th Capitol riot. This gets back to the man being an asshole, who cares more about himself than the country. I doubted I could ever support him again, after that day.

   I also don't think he broke any laws, though. That's why the House Jan. 6th committee, and the various investigations into his actions are a bad idea. Do the Democrats in the House remember that they impeached him twice, to no effect? Well, he had already lost the election, before the second impeachment, so it just looked bad. The Democrats have an obvious obsession with destroying Donald Trump, and apparently anyone who supports him, or even tries to ask that he get fair treatment.

   I've left some historical details out, but that summary brings us to what's happening today. The House Jan. 6th Committee is doing it's best to find something to refer to the Justice Department for prosecution. There are also ongoing criminal probes in NY, GA, and perhaps other jurisdictions regarding him trying to illegally overturn the election results in 2020. There are also several other legal actions against his businesses and nonprofit organizations. In other words, this ex-president is being targeted by bureaucrats and prosecutors around the nation.

   The biggest issue is the raid on Trump's Mar a Lago residence. It's unprecedented, and because of the political implications it opened, it looks as if we are going to find out whether it was justified, or part of a second "hoax" perpetrated by a Democratic administration against a potential political opponent. Looking at the media reporting since the raid, it looks like the same story, all over again. These people have no shame, and will go on TV to say things like "nuclear weapons," or comparing Trump to the Rosenbergs (thanks, Michael Beschloss, you idiot).

   Look, maybe I have a soft spot for the underdog, even if he doesn't deserve it, but I'm on Trump's side on this. As I said, he's a jackass, and I don't think he understands how a constitutional republic like ours is supposed to work. On the other hand, I can't blame him, because it often doesn't work the way it's supposed to! He seemed to think he could get away with doing the things that others got away with, but there was a difference. The establishment opposed him, from the get-go.

   I agreed with most of Pres. Trump's policies, and if he is the GOP nominee in '24, he's got my vote. However, I prefer another standard-bearer for the GOP. I'm a Florida resident, and Gov. Desantis would be a good choice. I also like Nikki Haley, and Texas Gov. Abbott. One thing I am sure of id that the Dems will use every dirty trick in the book to destroy Trump, and possibly because they want him to be the GOP nominee... 


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