A "Card Check" Compromise I Would Support!
Congress is debating the union "card check" bill, which will allow a union to represent employees of a business if over half of them "sign a card" affirming they want it. The current law is a voting system, with a "secret ballot," just like government elections. There are many reasons to oppose "card check," on a bi-partisan basis. Liberals such as George McGovern to conservatives like Rush limbaugh have denounced it, but I think I've found a suitable compromise: Make "card check" a two-way street. Allow half of the people in a company to sign a card saying that they don't want to be in the union anymore, and the union has to get out. This way, when people aren't getting any real benefit from, or maybe even being held back by the union, they have a way out. It's all about fairness to the worker, in the end. I'll point out one of my own experiences, back in the '80's. I got an easy job, and quickly became bett...