
Showing posts from February, 2009

A "Card Check" Compromise I Would Support!

Congress is debating the union "card check" bill, which will allow a union to represent employees of a business if over half of them "sign a card" affirming they want it. The current law is a voting system, with a "secret ballot," just like government elections. There are many reasons to oppose "card check," on a bi-partisan basis. Liberals such as George McGovern to conservatives like Rush limbaugh have denounced it, but I think I've found a suitable compromise: Make "card check" a two-way street. Allow half of the people in a company to sign a card saying that they don't want to be in the union anymore, and the union has to get out. This way, when people aren't getting any real benefit from, or maybe even being held back by the union, they have a way out. It's all about fairness to the worker, in the end. I'll point out one of my own experiences, back in the '80's. I got an easy job, and quickly became bett...


First, they called it a "three-legged stool," when it was just TARP, the auto bailout, and the stimulus package. Now, it's "four legs to hold up the table," with the new mortgage deal. How long until it takes "at least 20 legs for the millipede to walk?" I'm only half-joking. Expect more "crap sandwiches" to be forced down our throats, with the media wind at Obama's back, as they try to sell it. I think that the American public is gagging, already. Pres. Obama has serious deficiencies in domestic and foreign affairs, as well as on the economy. He better get with it, or he'll be a one-term president. It doesn't look like he's getting any help from the markets, but what do they know? Something he doesn't, apparently. The Obama administration can belittle guys like Rick Santelli , Rush Limbaugh , and even Joe the Plumber . But all of the lofty pie-in-the-sky rhetoric about "hope and change" crumbles, when it me...

NIGHTLINE'S Terry "Moron" Only Half-Witted, but Totally Tilting to the Left..

"There are no stupid questions" is an old adage I remember from my youth. It's good advice for children, but the anchor of ABC's NIGHTLINE program should be held to a somewhat higher standard. Terry Moran recently interviewed Pres. Obama, and asked the following questions: Why not just nationalize the banks? and: -why shouldn't you just fire the executives who wrecked these banks in the first place and tanked the world's financial system in the process? Let's look at these questions, one at a time. Does Terry Moran think that nationalizing the US banking system is a viable option, if even possible? This nation is the heart of capitalism. He might as well have asked "Why not just kill all the capitalists?" The second question is even stupider, because the banks are not "nationalized," so the president has no power to fire any CEO's, even if they took "bailout" money. Mr. "Moron" may think Obama can do these things...


I tried to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt, in the time between the election and his taking office, that he wouldn't govern as a typical "tax and spend" liberal. After two weeks in office, he has just raised my taxes by over $200 a year, ostensibly to "give health care" to children of people that may make more than I do. Is this his idea of "personal responsibility?" I've never depended on the government for my health care (save for during my military service), and I've been responsible enough not to father any children, because I've never been married. Why does being a smoker make me responsible for children's health care? Even under the twisted logic of "we're all responsible" for providing it, then why am I "more" so? On top of this, President Obama is pushing hundreds of billions of dollars in deficit spending, most of which is of dubious "stimulative" value. Anticipation of this was a...

ACORN, La Raza, NACA, LCCR All To Get "Stimulus" Money: Tip of the Iceberg?

There is a reason that so many politicians of both parties are saying "we have to pass the stimulus bill now." They don't want you to know what's in there. Meanwhile, details are coming out about where some of the last "bailout" bill money went. Specifically, that Bank of America is directing two million dollars to ACORN and the National Council of La Raza, as "charity." Michelle Malkin has a long list of ACORN and NCLR branches that the bank is "spreading the wealth around" to. The bank states "Economic emergency: For efforts to prevent foreclosures and educate people about finances and purchasing homes: $2,000,000 to Acorn Housing Corporation (Chicago, Illinois), in it's "charitable" donation announcement. This brings us back to the bill that is in the Senate now. Any legislation that is being openly "rushed" through the legislative process is suspect, and it doesn't help if the minority party is unite...