
Showing posts from February, 2010

The Battle Within the GOP

There is an interesting battle raging within the Republican party. It's pretty simple; it comes down to whether voters will come out for GOP candidates this time. Bush lost the fiscal conservatives, but kept the defense "hawks," for a time. It wasn't enough, and the voters gave the Dems a chance in '06 and '08. The economy started tanking shortly after they got a congressional majority, and national security was an afterthought, if not a political liabilty for the GOP. The GOP was called a "rump," or "regional" party, that would stay out of power for at least forty years. David Brooks, and others said that the Republicans have to be more "moderate," or more "willing to compromise." This is not what happened. Voters asserted themselves, and candidates who said "no" to the "big government" agenda won. So far, it's benefitted the GOP, but this movement is larger than either party. One thing that Pres...

Passing Rants As If They Were Gas!

I had to post a bunch of passing rants, this week. If the scientists now admit that "climate change" science isn't settled, "man-made global warming" theories should be pulled from primary school cirricula; secondary schools must present both sides of the issue with equal scientific weight; and university grants must be equal for scientists who are skeptical of this theory. Anything less is a political perversion of science education. Why did the President say that the stimulus (Recovery Act) bill he signed last year made "a second depression no longer a possibility?" It looks as if he's confusing it with the TARP "bank bailout," which he "inherited" half of from Pres. Bush, and adopted the claim of avoiding a depression. However, the President is not trying to sell us another TARP bill, yet. Right now, he's trying to sell us another "stimulus" bill, under the banner of "job creation." I don't know if...

Will Obama Become a Cliche?

From GITMO to "health care reform," our president has painted himself into a corner, repeatedly. This image was from an unrelated project about CLICHES, and it happened to fit. Pick your favorite issue, and tell us how he's done this, on it! Let's see, he's committed to another "stimulus" bill, which is opposed by a majority of independent voters. He's promised to move the 9/11 terrorist trials out of NYC, but insists that they still be tried in federal criminal courts, while guaranteeing a guilty verdict. Sheesh! Talk about bad ideas! How about that "open, transparent" government? Brian Lamb from CSPAN cornered him on that one, showing the falseness of his rhetoric. Yes, our president has "painted himself into a corner" in more ways than I can count! Help me out, here!

O'Reilly and Obama vs. Stossel and the First Amendment

Bill O'Reilly had John Stossel on last night, to talk about the recent SCOTUS ruling which overturned parts of McCain Feingold, and a 63 year old law. They showed a clip of Obama scolding the SCOTUS at the State of the Union show, and then O'Reilly came out in defense of Obama's position, while Stossel defended the First Amendment. It was a great segment, but Bill O was wrong on the facts of the ruling. He had to admit that Obama was wring on the facts in the SOU speech, but stuck to his guns, saying he had problems with the decision. The real problem is that there are any limitations on political speech at all. Let's say Citgo, owned by Hugo Chavez, wants to spend $20 million on ads to elect a socialist to the US Senate. Let's say that it will now be able to do this, through it's US subsidiary (which is not certain). Every ad they put on TV has to say "paid for by Citgo." Even large corporations like to keep their political dealings separate from thei...