The Battle Within the GOP
There is an interesting battle raging within the Republican party. It's pretty simple; it comes down to whether voters will come out for GOP candidates this time. Bush lost the fiscal conservatives, but kept the defense "hawks," for a time. It wasn't enough, and the voters gave the Dems a chance in '06 and '08. The economy started tanking shortly after they got a congressional majority, and national security was an afterthought, if not a political liabilty for the GOP. The GOP was called a "rump," or "regional" party, that would stay out of power for at least forty years. David Brooks, and others said that the Republicans have to be more "moderate," or more "willing to compromise." This is not what happened. Voters asserted themselves, and candidates who said "no" to the "big government" agenda won. So far, it's benefitted the GOP, but this movement is larger than either party. One thing that Pres...