The Biden Debacle, Part I

The Democrats beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. The candidate that they nominated had been drummed out of the primaries twice before, but 2020 was an unusual year, to say the least. COVID 19 and the reaction to it changed everything, and definitely contributed to the sitting president getting ousted. The question today is about the man who replaced him, and the disastrous effect his policies are having on our nation, and the world.

Candidate Joe Biden was a worse version of the one that Democrats had rejected twice before. It was apparent by his early failures in the primaries, until South Carolina. He really owes his victory to Rep. James Clyburn, who rallied the rank and file voters to support a faded old establishment candidate. It looks as if the ascending far left wing acquiesced, perhaps with assurances that he would bend to their agenda. In any case, Biden prevailed over all of the other candidates, including the farthest left ones. 

Joe Biden won the election, although he spent most of the campaign in his basement, and cancelled one of his debates with Pres. Trump. We're all familiar with the claims of fraud from the Trump supporters. Of course, most of us should also remember the similar claims of fraud from Hillary Clinton in 2016 (and still does), and even Joe Biden's warning that Trump would try stealing the 2020 election, in June. None of this amounts to a hill of beans, as Pres. Clinton once said. This is Pres. Biden's America.

While attributing the basement campaign and debate cancellation to COVID, the question of his mental faculties was an ongoing topic among his critics. After taking office, he delayed speaking to a joint session of Congress until April 28th, unprecedented in modern times. As the NY Post Editorial Board said of the speech, "it seemed like he was just skipping whole paragraphs and even pages. You could see even Democrats wincing above their masks." By that point, it was clear why his staff were keeping him from speaking in public very often. He is incapable of holding a coherent train of thought.

The sympathetic liberal media outlets are disgracefully giving him a pass by not reporting on it, especially after the amount of time they spent questioning Pres. Trump's mental faculties. However, that never stopped them from criticizing the former president, so Pres. Biden's mental issues can not spare him from any fair criticism here. There's more than enough to criticize Biden on, without getting into the media's enabling bias.

We'll start with COVID, and vaccinations. Candidate Biden warned that he didn't trust a vaccine approved by Pres. Trump in September, but got his first shot on December 21st, while Trump was still in office. It looks like he was playing politics with the most serious health crisis in the modern era, as well as undercutting his own administration's later efforts to get people vaccinated. Worse than that, once in office, he refused to give credit to the Trump administration for their groundbreaking efforts to incentivize the private sector and develop the vaccine in record time, instead attacking Trump and taking credit. It was just the start.

On immigration and the border, candidate Biden pledged to reverse all of Pres. Trump's immigration policies. This is one pledge he made good on, with disastrous results. The southern border has been overwhelmed, and an unprecedented number of asylum seekers have been released into the US without receiving a date for a hearing of their cases. Through all of it, the Biden administration steadfastly refuses to call it a crisis, even backtracking when the president used that word. True to form, they also tried to blame it on the Trump administration, though that didn't pass the smell test with the public.

Now that the Delta COVID variant is surging, the Biden folks are again caught flat footed at the border. NBC reports that more than 18% of families leaving border control custody are positive for COVID, and in Texas, the government is using private charities to rent out hotels for COVID positive illegal immigrants to stay, without alerting local authorities. Under Pres. Biden, potentially thousands of infected individuals are being released, as well as busing them across America. Disgraceful.

Next, there's the matter of bipartisanship, and the left wing agenda. Along with Trump's defeat, Republicans lost control of the Senate, with VP Harris breaking the 50 - 50 split there. However, they gained ground in the House, leaving the Democrats with a slimmer majority. Biden ran as a moderate, but eventually was endorsed by Bernie Sanders, the last far left challenger in the primaries. Since taking office, he had tacked hard left, rarely showing any sign of the bipartisanship he promised. Instead, he's signed 54 executive orders, and passed one huge spending bill, the American Rescue Plan, without a single Republican vote. He's been compared to FDR and LBJ by some liberal media, and seems to believe it himself. He's embraced the far left agenda, even when it backfires spectacularly, as it has with immigration and the border, or his bizarre claim that it's actually the Republicans who want to defund the police. I'll follow up on that in my next post, along with the rest of his endless stream of debacles thus far.


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