My Favorite Policy Opinions

This week, I'm sharing some of my favorite policy opinions/arguments:

None of the economically crippling "green" policies that Western nations are implementing will reduce global warming by one degree, over the next century. This is a fact, not an opinion, because western nations' emissions have been declining, before the latests policy prescriptions. All of the future increases in greenhouse gasses will come from the "developing" world, and the way to mitigate those emissions is the opposite of what Western nations are proposing. Western "divestment" in global fossil fuels does two bad things: it drives up the prices of those fuels, and allows non-Western authoritarian nations to reap those higher profits from the undeveloped world, who can't afford unreliable wind and solar power.

   Further, implementing the "green agenda" in Western nations is causing blackouts and energy shortages in every nation that is doing it. Prices are doubling, and even tripling for scarce electricity, at the same time that governments are dictating all heating, stoves, and cars must convert to electrical power. There already isn't enough electricity generated to supply current demand. In what world does this make sense? You don't have to be a scientist or fortune teller to see that this will come to a bad end, sooner or later.

Open borders are destructive to developed nations, because there are limits on how many people any nation can accept. Also, assimilation is mandatory. People that arrive in a new nation must learn the laws, language, and culture that they are living in, to succeed. Any government that ignores this is enabling the destruction of their own nation, and must be removed from power ASAP, by political, or legal means. Yes, I mean the Biden administration.

Anyone who forms an opinion about someone else based solely on their race, religion, or nationality is a bigot. People who don't treat others equally, regardless of gender or appearance are also biased. Calling someone a racist, misogynist, homophobe, or transphobe without justification is also a bias of another kind. It is often used to deflect legitimate questions. Politicizing race, gender, and religion is a way of eliminating debate about the real issues that need to be addressed.

The new divisiveness that many agree our nation is experiencing is not due to a "turning back of the clock" to the days of the KKK and the Black Panthers, but a new "establishment" that embraces the most extreme positions, and calls any who disagree "deniers," "haters," and "enemies of democracy." Interestingly enough, while the KKK were "white supremacists," sponsored for 100 years by the Democrat party, somehow today's Democrats, such as Pres. Biden, pin that label on Republicans. The radical philosophy of the Black Panthers is now accepted wisdom, that all problems that face the black community are the fault of white people in power. This flies in the face of decades of black political power in cities, states, and at the federal level, with the election of Pres. Obama.

No, the new divisiveness is a calculated political strategy from the socialist left, aimed at destroying the underpinnings of what makes America a great nation. I believe it has its origins in Marxism, from our foreign authoritarian enemy nations. They used to use class to try dividing the US, but today, race is the card that's easiest to play.

Schools do a disservice to students by avoiding testing, and giving credit for not learning. Why on earth would a parent be happy to find that their child graduated grade school without learning to read? What's worse is that this "soft bigotry of low expectations" has taken root in mostly minority urban schools, and the local politicians oppose alternatives, such as charter schools or vouchers for private schools or tutors. They are mostly black politicians, in most of these cities, that are keeping black children from a good education. The only reason is that they are Democrats, and the teachers' unions are a major source of Democrat funding.

A further examination of education policy exposes the hypocrisy. Many schools are setting aside "testing" and "educational standards" in the name of "racial diversity." However, Asian Americans, who, as a group, score higher than whites on standardized tests, are denied entry to these schools and colleges at a greater rate than white students, in order to raise the number of black and latino enrolees. It looks as if these educrats are selective in which minorities they are trying to help. In fact, I've read about some of these bureaucrats calling Asian Americans "white-adjacent," whatever that means. In other words, it's not about race at all, it's about telling black and latino children they are "victims," instead of challenging them to excell academically.

This leads to my next issue, which is crime. The Democrats, under Pres. Obama, put out a policy advisory saying that because school suspensions were mostly of black students, they would assume it was because of racism. This advisory started a whole new system of discipline in schools, called "restorative justice." It resulted in higher crime rates and discipline issues in schools, and Pres. Trump rescinded it. The Biden administration is planning to bring it back, so let me explain why it's a bad policy.

I will start with the familiar progressive argument of the "school to jail pipeline," and debunk it. If anything, children that are allowed to be disruptive, and break the rules without consequences are more likely to continue this behavior after leaving school. Restorative justice does not put any consequences on bad behavior, other than "saying sorry." The victims of the bullying behavior are also minorities, and they are still faced with the prospect of further harm. It's as if the people who promote this policy don't care about the majority of the class, who just want to learn.

This does carry over into the adult world, where progressive prosecutors seem to care more about criminals' freedom than the safety of the communities they are elected to represent. How is it that a prosecutor who clamors for harsher gun laws fails to enforce the ones already on the books? I am at my wits' end, when I see a prosecutor charge a victim of a crime for defending himself, as he declines to prosecute a majority of recidivist violent criminals.

I will say this: It looks to me as if the white progressives are the ones that voted these District Attorneys, and other progressive pols into office, but they usually get 90% of the black vote, as well. I don't think they have that much support for their harmful policies, in the black community. This is why the black vote is starting to lean more Republican. It's time to end the racial politization, and just vote for a candidate that will help protect your neighborhood.

The economy is another issue that I can put out a clear argument about. Lower taxes, and cut regulation. Simplify the tax code, and make it easier for people to comply with it. Also, the government puts up a lot of barriers for people to step up the economic ladder. Instead of spending so much money on payments to people, how about incentivising work, by cutting taxes on lower wage employees? I'm not an economist, so I can't be specific, but I know that a lot of government programs disincentivise work, and increase dependency on govermnent.

In general, both parties seem to want to throw money at a perceived problem, before even looking at whether it was caused by throwing government money at some previous problem. It is apparent to me that this is one of the major snafus of our current economic dilemma. I lived through a few times that the government temporarily slowed down this endless largesse, so I believe it can happen again. It usually takes divided government, and both parties willing to negotiate. I don't see that happening with the Biden team. He's a puppet of the exreme left, who just want to destroy our economy, border, and rule of law, as far as I can tell.

These are a few of my major policy opinions. Feel free to argus about any of them, on my facebook page. Graffiti Politti on fb


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