
Showing posts from October, 2006

ACLU: The Anti Christian Liberals Union

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU: Liberals always act shocked and astonished that conservatives believe that an organization claiming to be the guardian of religious liberty is actually is actually America's number one religious censor. They will spout off token cases where the ACLU veered from its normal path of hostility toward Christian religious expression to defend free speech. They have a handful of cases they try to convince us with. However, the ACLU's history can easily be looked at and the cases against religious expression far outweigh these token cases. If the ACLU were consistent in its positions on religious liberty despite the religion their defense on the issue would be much easier. However, many cases point out that it isn't religion in general the ACLU fight, but the Christian religion in particular. When the Tangipahoa Parish School Board in Louisiana opened its board meetings with a prayer like they had for 30 years the ACLU sued. After the ACLU won that...


Thomas Sowell's latest column, A blank check from America? , is a compelling argument to vote Republican in 2006. Following in the steps of his great 4 part series, Frivolous Politics, he rips into the red meat of what is at stake in this election. The whole column is linked above, and the 4 Frivolous Politics columns are linked below. Here are some excerpts from his latest: Media pundits have just about given this year's election to the Democrats — at least in the House of Representatives and perhaps in the Senate as well. They might even be right, for a change. Some are saying that this could be like the 1994 midterm election shocker when the Republicans seized control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. If so, the Democrats will win by following the exact opposite strategy from that which brought the Congressional Republicans to power in 1994. The Republican strategy, crafted by Newt Gingrich, was to spell out their stands on key issues and to pro...

ACLU's Support For Voter Fraud

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU This week the ACLU held its 2006 membership conference. Over 1,500 moonbats from across the U.S. gathered to listen to the ACLU alarmist exaggerations and lies. The event was televised on CSPAN and there were some interesting moments such as when Justice Scalia slam dunked Nadine Strossen in a debate about the bill of rights. One of the more humorous highlights of the ACLU's conference this week was when Bush signed the Military Tribunal Bill into law. The ACLU came up with one of its most clever and cute full page ads to date in which they claimed to be “ the most conservative organization in America. ” To highlight concerns with the act, the ACLU took out a full page advertisement in today’s Washington Post, calling itself “the most conservative organization in America.” Since its founding, the ACLU has fought to conserve the system of checks and balances and defend the Bill of Rights. I guess this claim is technically true. They do more work to ...

The New York Republican Massacre 2006, Pt. 4: FASO'S FUTILE FIGHT AGAINST SPITZER'S CORONATION

"Presumptive" Governor Elliot Spitzer. That's the most polite way to say it. Not to presume this much is sheer fantasy, but John Faso puts on a good gameface. I couldn't pay attention to their recent debate, but it didn't matter, anyway. Faso's best shot was citing Spitzer calling Alan Hevesi an "honest . . . public official," which Spitzer stood behind(more on Hevesi in future posts; Pirro as well). It will take more than that to stop the Spitzer juggernaut. Doing my best Don Quixote imitation, I am going to cite the NY POST op-ed page, which shows several instances that Att'y Gen. Spitzer has gone easy when prosecuting political allies. Remember, he has a national reputation as a "tough" prosecutor, even known for stepping on the toes of the SEC in Wall Street prosecutions. I wonder what kind of Governor he'll be? Consider: New York State United Teachers : After it was discovered that investment firm ING was paying $3 million a y...

"HANG UP" HARRY REID, IT'S TIME TO GO! (-or Yes, Talk About Harry Reid)

Democrat Senate Minority leader Harry Reid is in Trouble. " Trouble with a capital "T", And that rhymes with "P" and that stands for Payoff!" (-hat tip to The Music Man.) I've heard the recording three times already, but I'm sure many others haven't. Sen. Reid, in the middle of an interview, abruptly hangs up the phone, when asked about his shady land deals. The AP has put the scent on him, and many news outlets have perfunctorily covered it, and several liberal papers have editorialized critically about him. It looks like the MSM is in CYA mode (minimal coverage), in case this story has legs. Rush opened his Friday show by mentioning The Strata-Sphere blog , where he found 18 printed pages of Harry Reid's real-estate transactions, straight from NV. state records. That only scratches the surface, however. Strata rounds up all of the reporting from all news sources, and gives the most in-depth account of this scandal that you will read any...

Aleutian Patriots tell Chavez Where to Go!

Memo to Jose Serrano (D - Bronx), better known as Chavez' favorite boot-licker: This is what PATRIOTIC AMERICANS do. From the NY POST : October 10, 2006 -- ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Desperately poor native villages are refusing an offer of free heating oil from Venezuela, despite the punishing winter cold looming. The patriotic Alaskans are rejecting the offer on the principle that no foreigner has the right to call their president "the devil."... "Even though we're in economically dire straits, it was the right choice to make," said Justine Gunderson, administrator for the tribal council in the Aleut village of Nelson Lagoon. Linked at STOP THE ACLU Friday The 13th Free For All!

ACLU Should Lose It's Tax Exempt Status!

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU Imagine if a Church used the power of its tax exemption as a lever towards political campaigns. Can you imagine the outrage from groups like the ACLU if a Church used its tax exempt donations to create political ads opposing candidates that did not adhere to certain "American values" as interpreted by that Church? What if a Christian Religious organization were to use its official title to oppose certain political issues such as abortion? We don't have to imagine, the ACLU's history shows us. They would challenge that Church's tax exempt status. " In 1970, the year after the ACLU issued its first policy opposing the tax exempt status for churches; it accepted the advice of church and state extremist Leo Pfeffer and drafted a brief opposing tax exemptions in Waltz v. Tax Commission . In 1987, the ACLU Foundation and the New York Civil Liberties Union filed an amicus brief in support of Abortion Rights Mobilization to secure sta...

The New York Republican Massacre 2006, Pt. 3 Teflon Hevesi Vs. Callahan

As NY State, and formerly NYC Comptroller, Alan Hevesi has investigated waste and fiscal corruption for over a decade. My fondest thoughts for him come from seeing his name on the forty dollar state tax refund check one year (I had paid seventy dollars a few months before). He also was a target of one of my posts when he said that Chuck Schumer would put a bullet between Pres. Bush's eyes. Mr. Hevesi is running against Chris Callahan , who called Mr. Hevesi's "public hotline" (really, the State Comptroller has one of these) to report a theft of public funds. The funny thing is, he reported Alan Hevesi for using a state-funded driver for his disabled wife. The story became a huge scandal, and Hevesi had to drop out of the race. NOT. Hevesi paid the state the cost of the driver, ducked the press for a few weeks, and guess what? He still has a bigger lead over Callahan than Cuomo does over Pirro ( see Pt. 2 )! His numbers haven't budged a bit, for some reason. The...

The New York Republican Massacre 2006, Pt.2: PIRRO VS. CUOMO

Memo to Jeanine Pirro: All Publicity is Not Good Publicity I mentioned in an earler post how weak the slate of Republican candidates in New York is this year. HOW WEAK, you ask? Well, our highest-profile candidate is Jeanine Pirro, who already dropped out of the Senate race to run for Attorney General. I liked her as a prosecutor, and she is more qualified than her opponent, Mr. Cuomo (son of former Gov. Mario Cuomo). However, she is "high profile" for all of the wrong reasons. Mrs. Pirro's spouse makes "slick Willie" look like an angel, being a convicted criminal. Still, if all of those NY "Clinton" voters really believe that a spouse's (or spousal) problems shouldn't be campaign fodder, she might have a chance. She is running closer to Cuomo than any other statewide Republican, which says volumes about his popularity in NYS. I wish she had stayed in the Senate race, to be honest. All of the stuff they could throw at her about her hubby Al w...

The New York Rebublican Massacre 2006, Pt. 1: HILLARY VS. WHO?

GABE PRESSMAN EXPOSES SPENCER'S WEAKNESS VS. HILLARY In an interview with Gabe Pressman on Sunday (9/24), John Spencer showed why he is unqualified to be elected to the Senate by the voters of NY State. As a nominal Republican, I am ashamed of his performance. Read the interview HERE , but realize that so much more was obvious when watching it. I had never seen Spencer before, though I supported him over the nightmare of K.T. McFarland. Now, I'm not sure which was the lesser of the two. The Republican Party in NY is a joke, thanks to Gov. Pataki and Joe Bruno. They might as well call themselves "right wing" liberals, with all the worst traits of both. It is no wonder that Hillary found a natural home in this state. It is full of corruption, and constant "liberal reform." I will still vote for Spencer, unless I can find a Conservative who is not afraid to criticize liberals and liberalism directly. The NY State Conservative Party's Executive Committee ha...