Why I Support Andrew Cuomo, and All Conservative NY'ers Should

I support Andrew Cuomo. There, I said it. I'm not putting aside my mistrust of an Albany "insider" (read as "liberal"), but I like the game he's talking. His plan to merge the banking and insurance regulatory bureaucracies, along with the much smaller consumer protection division is "outside the box" thinking, for a new Governor. He's also correctly stated that spending has to be cut, rather than raising taxes, to balance the budget. This will cause quite a squeal from the public sector unions, which brings me to the point of this post: If Gov. Andrew Cuomo is really going to take on the public sector unions, and the corrupt bureaucuracy, he's going to need some help. I stand behind my Governor on these and other issues, regardless of what party he belongs to. He talks the talk, let's see if he can walk the walk, as Gov. Christie has, across the river.

As this Newsday article points out, he is socially liberal. This is not a problem in NY, where conservatives are mostly of the libertarian stripe. I believe that if a liberal Democrat NY Governor is embracing fiscally conservative principles, conservative libertarians have to speak out in support of him.

I remember giving Eliot Spitzer the benefit of the doubt, and saw Pa-TAX-i as a "knight in shining armor," for his first few years. I've been suckered by all kinds of politicians, so I retain my pre-election skepticism about Gov. Cuomo. The Senate GOP majority seems to be willing to work with him, which could be a good or bad sign. I may be a Republican, but I don't trust or like the NYS GOP any more than the left wing "insider" political machine. They all play ball together, with the public's tax money and safety at stake.

Gov. Cuomo is asking the people to support him, in this fight against oppressive levels of taxation and regulation, and bureaucratic corruption. Fool me thrice, if it's to be, but I want to be among the first conservatives to stand behind a Democratic governor of NYS.

UPDATE: A reminder of why I'm skeptical: Today's "Inside Albany" column from Fred U. Dicker:

Andy short on specifics of $$ cuts


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