Thoughts on the 2016 Presidential Race... Pt I

Do those who are scared of a Trump presidency outnumber those who are scared of the violence of his opponents? I find an interesting juxtaposition, here. Trump supporters' violence, while minimal, has been widely reported, and blamed on Trump. Meanwhile, anti - Trump violence, which is much more widespread, is somehow also being blamed on Trump. I'm sorry, but the American people are sick of this double - standard in political coverage. You might've played Romney and McCain for patsy's, but Donald Trump is doubling down on your asses! If anything, the liberals reaction to him outweighs my dedication to conservative principles. That, and the fact is that the choice is either Trump or Clinton. As much as I respect my conservative friends who say that I will bear responsibility for whatever happens if Trump wins, I respond that your lack of support for the GOP nominee is as responsible for a Hillary victory. Plus, you fuckers already gave us Obama's second term. I can place the blame for his first election to W... who hurt the nation by following the GOP establishment...

What if Trump is our next President? Will the sky fall down? Will we have a trade war with China and destroy the world economy? What if Hillary is our next President? Will we continue having less power, both economically and militarily, in the world? These are just scattershot things that pundits posit, to scare voters. Personally, I worry more about Hillary becoming President, because she's more of the same. Pres. Obama promised change, and we found out his "change" sucked. Now, Hillary is doubling down on that? I'll take my chances with Trump, thank you...

Unfortunately, my right to vote has been obliterated. Sit it out, if you want, but I have to, thanks to NY State's repressive voting regulations. Who knew an over 50 White male Republican could be disenfranchised from voting, because I haven't voted in the last two Presidential elections, and moved within the state, and also missed "the deadline." That's where they get you, with "the deadline"... Any time a NY pol talks about "voter disenfranchisement," I either laugh or puke...

In conclusion, the American people have a very difficult decision before them, this November. The political junkie in me is fascinated enough to start posting here on LEAVWORLD: GRAFFITI POLITTI again, which says something...


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