It is a given that the Democrat party is in freefall, ideologically. Some blame it on the election of Pres. Trump, in 2016. I posit that he only exposed it, and perhaps accelerated it's ideological divisions. The "left" wing of the Dems consists of many factions, not all of which have always had political alignment. The same goes for the more "moderate" wings of the party. Some Dems are pro Big Tech, even as they rail against it in public. This, in itself, is a model of how politics work, and that's OK. The problem with today's Democrat party is complicated to lay out, but I'll try...

Pres. Trump's immigration policy was designed to bring out the most radical elements in your Dem coalition. Had you compromised with him on something reasonable to nether extreme, you might have more credit from undecided voters. He may still be the "Bogeyman" of the left, but the voting citizens are seeing a different picture.

Here's where NYC and NYS, and both Gov. Andy Cuomo and Mayor Bill DeBlasio come into play. Mayor DeB has been an abject failure, from the start, and got re-elected because no-one votes, in NYC... Gov. Cuomo is a different story. He came in, and did some good things, but sold out to the Albany culture faster than PaTAXi (GOP Gov. George Pataki) did...

DeBlas is a dyed in the wool Communist, shielded from the reality of it in his political bubble. He ran this city as a political patronage mill, unlike his predecessor, who did most of his influencing on his private dime. Oh, yeah, his predecessor came into the Democrat field, around when DeB dropped out. Now, he's the best choice the Dems have to win, in quite a few people's eyes... Mike Bloomberg! (Applause)

What is going on in NYS deserves national attention. It will impact congressional elections, even though they have no power over state laws. Today, we are experiencing what the "progressive" left's agenda will do to society, here in Brooklyn, and all over NY State. This is one aspect of how the Democrat party is self-destructing.

Now, let's look at the national level, where Pres. Trump still has negative numbers, at his all-time high! I don't believe the polls reflect every aspect of who will vote. An interesting note is that more people came out to vote for Pres. Trump, in the GOP primary than came out to vote for Pres. Obama, in his re-election primary. In Iowa, the GOP didn't screw up the count, either!!! :)

Now, let's look at what the Democrats investigations of Pres. Trump have done. They have exposed the cracks in the their own coalition, and unified the GOP behind an outspoken leader. This was NOT the plan. They think Americans are dumb, and will listen to baseless accusations as facts, if they keep saying it. That's why we keep hearing "Russia" from Adam Schiff.

The #meetoo card has been lost in the presidential scrum, on the Dems' side, as well. Amy Kloubechar and Elizabeth Warren seem to be afterthoughts. I liked Amy, as a Republican... So, let's see, Berinie is ascending, again, against "Mere Pete," as I like to call him, out of Iowa. Biden looks bad, right now, because he's old and creepy. He has the establishment behind him, for now, because he is a candidate they can control.

Now, about this "left fringe" that is dominating the Dems, these days: AOC is someone I'm proud of, in a strange way. She got elected by White liberals, in a district whose minority population would NEVER support her political positions. Now, she rails against "gentrification." I'm proud of her, and her followers, for saying what they think, so the rest of us can hear it. It's funny, because I agree with her, on a few issues! She did reach across the aisle to Ted Cruz, at least once...

I'm just scratching the surface, but I'll leave you with this link to a NY Post column:


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