Why Are Democrats Trying To Destroy America?

   President Biden is an incompetent figurehead of the Democratic Party. That much is beyond doubt, to anyone who pays attention to political news, even from the Democrat-friendly major news outlets. However, he is also the elected president of the USA, which is a much more serious problem. His incompetence is letting a bunch of far-left cabinet appointees destroy the nation. Why do they want to do this? Because they are Socialists, if not Communists, or Anarchists, who prefer the titles of Environmentalists, Anticapitalists, or Social Justice Warriors. 

   The labels are insignificant, but the policies they support actually oppose capitalism, and the concept of free markets. They want the state to impose market conditions through regulation, and dictate what can be bought and sold, and at what price. They also want to dictate the terms and price of services that one person, or a company can provide to another, regardless of real world costs. This is the recipe that has destroyed countless national economies over the last two centuries. President Biden's policies are doing it in the USA, right now, and still some on the far left defend him.

   Look at his administration's responses to inflation: He has blamed "big meat" corporations, "big oil" corporations, Pres. Trump, and Pres. Putin's war against Ukraine, after spending months of saying that it would be "transitory," and go away soon. He's grasping at straws, because he can't admit that his policies caused all of these economic problems. While it's true that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated the existing inflation issues, the numbers tell another story. Prices of gas, and all other commodities were already rising well before the invasion of Ukraine. Blaming price increases on "big business" is a Democrat reflex, and it begs the question: If they had the power to do this anytime, why didn't they do it in 2019, when the economy was booming?

   It's almost comical that Pres. Biden and his party claim to be enemies of Russia. Are they serious? Pres. Biden, and his senior defense staff have now declared that our goal is to remove Vladimir Putin from power, and make Russia "incapable" of invading another nation. I'm not sure that this sounds like a good policy to say publicly, when dealing with the largest nuclear power on the planet. Maybe the Biden team thinks that Putin knows they are blowing smoke up his ass, in response to some of his statements. As they talk tough, the Biden team is courting Russian allies Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela. Seriously opposing Russia means across the board action, not a bunch of lip service. Asking Russia to help revive the Iran nuclear deal is especially dangerous, as well as dumb.

   The Democrats' obsession with Russia is not the worst problem threatening to destroy the USA. The "woke" agenda being promulgated in the military, schools, and businesses is easily as harmful as any attack from a foreign nation. This is a cultural agenda that the Biden team is attempting to codify through regulations, and private investment firms are using their shareholder proxies to vote for, against all Constitutional norms. The ESG financial corporate guidance is directly opposed to serving the interests of the stockholders. If Democrats and progressives want to give corporate voting rights to "stakeholders" that don't own stocks, aren't customers or employees of the company, then capitalism is dead. That appears to be the Democrats' goal, that they could never get through legislation. It's as if they don't realize that it will also destroy the entire US economy.

   Pres. Biden still seems to think that it's a good idea to impose racial ideology on school children. Why is he turning his back on the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, and so many others who have promoted tolerance and harmony between all races? Because today's progressives support "antiracism," which brings back the divisiveness of decades ago, dressed up in a new Progressive suit. Today's "antiracists" promote "separate, but equal" graduation ceremonies, as well as dorms, in colleges. They say that "worship of the written word," also known as BEING ABLE TO READ, is a sign of white supremacy. Pres. Biden and the Dems obviously don't want black children to succeed.

   Pres. Biden famously called Georgia's recent election law "Jim Crow 2.0." We now see that turnout in last week's primaries was up significantly from the last midterm primary turnout numbers. In other words, Biden and all the other Democrats, as well as the large corporations that boycotted or condemned Georgia were either ill-informed, or deliberately misleading people about what the law said, and it's predictable effect. There was precedent, as several other states have passed voting security laws over the past few years, with similar results. What drove them to use such divisive racial rhetoric against a race-neutral law? Political power, and identity politics.

   The Democratic party has counted on overwhelming percentages of the black vote for decades. Unfortunately, black voters are starting to see that Democratic policies are doing more harm than help for black communities. The above-mentioned educational focus on race, instead of reading, writing and arithmetic, and it's justification of blaming "historical disadvantages" such as slavery or Jim Crow have been disproven by charter schools, who educate children from the same backgrounds successfully. The "soft on crime" policies, that release hardened criminals back into mostly black neighborhoods, again using the justification that somehow, "historical oppression" or "systemic racism" is the cause of their criminal activity. It's just not true, and the black community suffers from the small percentage of criminals that continue to murder black children and prey on other black citizens and businesses.

   This is the real "Jim Crow 2.0." Democrats, in the form of mostly white progressive politicians and judges, as well as bureaucrats, are destroying the black community, and blaming it on white people's supposed "systemic racism." There are many blacks that are fine with this, and are cashing in, such as the BLM movement. The black community is an integral part of America, both currently and historically. Destroying it, and denigrating it's history to victimhood and oppression is yet another way that Democrats are destroying America, and why? For political power.

   Finally, let's look at the Southern border. Illegal immigration, and legal immigration have always been a thorny subject for both parties. Republicans talk tough about border security, but even when in charge of Congress and the Presidency, rarely get much done about it. Pres. Trump was the most forceful border security advocate ever, and he was mostly thwarted by the courts, and the bureaucrats. Republicans also used to align with many big businesses, that needed the cheap labor that illegal immigrants provided. With a lack of political will for real increases in legal immigration, or guest worker visas, the GOP always gave lip service to border, with a wink and a nod. There were efforts to crack down of the drugs traffic across the border, but it's never actually been controlled.

   Democrats, however, have a different view on the subject. Many progressives want "no border," and to let anyone enter the US. The political thinking is that if they can pass a law giving citizenship to the 20 plus million illegal immigrants (an estimate from years ago), those people will vote for Democrats. The Biden administration has decided to make this their formal policy. Let them all in, except when the media shines too much light on what they're doing. This policy, combined with the opioid and fentanyl crisis, has resulted in a "perfect storm" of destruction. Human and drug trafficking are at record levels, MS-13 and other international gangs are expanding on American soil, and the Latino community in America is feeling the brunt of the damage.

   Again, Democrats and progressives think that being "soft" on illegal immigration will boost their Latino (or Latinx, as the white progressives like to call them) support, but most Latino voters are appalled at these policies, especially if they are legal immigrants that waited, and went through the process. The Biden team thinks that dispersing them around the country on midnight flights will hide the huge numbers, but all it's doing is spreading the burden to those localities. This abandonment of one of the most basic functions of government, regulating our borders, is another policy that is destructive to America. Personally, I think it will backfire politically, and not just because Latino voters are already voting Republican in greater numbers. Many of these illegals come from countries where policies similar to what Democrats promote are in effect, and proven to be failures. Most of them probably won't want to vote for a party that was friendly with the dictator that they came here to escape.

   These are just a few ways that Democrats are trying to destroy America. It looks to be mostly in the name of political power, and a desire to dictate every aspect of our lives. Their agenda is to regulate everything from how we speak to how and what we can do with our money and property. They hold disdain for the constitutional limits of government power, and constantly seek to overturn them through bureaucratic rules and policies. They refute the idea that millions of individual choices produce better outcomes than decisions arrived at by government-selected "experts," even though our national prosperity is a product of that freedom of individual choice.

   This Socialist ideology is not new. It's been an affliction throughout much of American history, for over a century. It has waxed and waned, which is why we have so many existing policies that reflect it. However, it has been forty years since the "Reagan revolution" curbed the last waxing of these policies, so it is not surprising that they are waxing again, after four decades of generally robust economic growth. The new green and racial revolutions are actually just subsets of old propaganda, brought back to life by a new generation. Nobody in their right mind is for polluting the environment, or racial hatred, especially white supremacy. I doubt most of today's progressives even know that Pres. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency.

   What I'm seeing today is a new bunch of radicals, who have a very selective and warped view of our national history, picking up the flag of their predecessors, and having a great deal of success in destroying our free and open society. Some of them mean well, but they are led by power-driven tyrants that are selling them a false dream. Our job, as conservatives, as well as common-sense moderates, is to speak out to anyone who has an open mind, and will listen, about why their policies are detrimental, and must be opposed. That is the purpose not only of this blog post, but this entire blog. I may not always be right, but if I err, I hope to do so in service of personal freedom, and against government tyranny.


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