FBI and Intel Agencies Are Politically Compromised


   The American public is politically divided somewhat evenly, according to the outcomes of the last several elections, and most polls. There's been a pattern, actually, where a new executive comes into office with a congressional majority, and loses one or both houses in the midterms, but still gets reelected. By the end of their second term, the nation is sick of them, and their party, and the process is repeated. This cycle has been in effect since the '90's, with a few aberrations, until the Trump presidency.

   Pres. Trump broke much more than the political cycle of the last 30 years. He blew up both the Republican and Democratic parties, and exposed the extent that the US intelligence and law enforcement bureaucracies were illegally interfering in national elections. There is no doubt that Democrats think that James Comey's public reopening of the Clinton email investigation cost her the election in 2016. Likewise, Republicans think that the FBI's "covert" suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story cost Trump the election in 2020. Both sides can agree that the FBI, and other intelligence agencies have been meddling in domestic politics.

   Can something be done about this? Not likely, because each party has a partisan agenda. The Republican House of Representatives probably will find enough evidence in Hunter's laptop to impeach Pres. Biden, but the Democratic Senate will aquit him. It's doubtful that either chamber of Congress will agree on actual reforms to the FBI, and whatever other intelligence agencies are at fault here, as well as reforming the standards for the FISA court. 

   Right now, it looks like the intel agencies and FBI are backing the Democrats, but that can change. Democrats have done stupid things before, for short term political gain. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid went "nuclear" on judicial appointees, making it a simple majority of 51 votes, which opened the door for Republicans to appoint enough SCOTUS Justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. This is the history of politics.

   Elected Democrats, and their handmaidens in the media and big tech seem to think that using their slim majority power to censor and "cancel" conservative voices comes without a cost. I will cite one Elected Democrat, Ro Khanna, who warned Twitter about censoring the Hunter Biden story. Now, they are still trying to ignore the substance of the info on the laptop, while acknowledging it is real. The Twitter Files emails may prove that Twitter was acting as a government agent, illegaly censoring the NY Post's right to free speech.

   Again, there is a clear problem with our leading law enforcement and intelligence agencies. I remember the '70's, and the Church Committee, which was bipartisan, and was the most comprehensive review of our intelligence agencies ever. Pres. Trump was investigated deeper than either Pres. Nixon or Clinton, and is still being investigated by NYS and GA. It would be nice if Ro Khanna, and other Democrats could join with the GOP to put some restrictions on the FBI and other intel agancies, to keep them out of interfering in political campaigns.

   On a final note, the FBI has to be forced to reveal how long they had the info that has now been verified from Hunter Biden's laptop, and why they warned Twitter and Facebook to treat it a a "Russian hack." Who can prosecute the FBI, in this matter? Well, Elon Musk is providing the evidence. Maybe we can have a "Khanna Committee," and get to the bottom of the politicization of the FBI and the intel community. To date, most Dem pols have been covering up for them, unlike in the '70's.


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