Why, Pres. Biden?

   One has to ask, over and over again, why does Pres. Biden do the things he does? He ran his successful campaign from his basement on a theme of "bringing back normal," and unifying the nation, as in working with his political opponents. Since his inauguration, he has done neither. In fact, he has done the opposite of those promises, unless anyone thinks that eight percent inflation is "normal," and calling Republicans "semi-fascists" is a unifying statement.

   His disastrous abandonment of Afghanistan set the stage for Russia to invade Ukraine again, and for China to set its sights on Taiwan. Even the Mullahs in Iran won't give him the time of day, as he tries kissing their asses to restart the deeply flawed nuclear deal that Trump wisely withdrew us from. Back to Russia, after agreeing to a five year extension of the START treaty, now the Biden people say that Russia may be violating it. Again, the Trump administration advised a six month extension, to evaluate just this situation. One has to ask "why?"

   Why did Pres. Biden allow AG Garland to raid Mar A Lago, looking for classified documents, when there were many lesser options available? Now that the president might have a bigger problem regarding classified documents, will he face criminal charges, or at least impeachment? I'm curious if the special counsels for the Trump and Biden investigations are communicating with each other. This one was totally avoidable, if the Biden/Garland DOJ had not acted so partisanly against Trump in the first place.

   I almost forgot to bring it up, but Hunter Biden's laptop is not going away. Pres. Biden is "the Big Guy," and his decades of cashing in on his political clout may come back to haunt him. Back in the Watergate days, the saying was "follow the money." If Hunter's money is comingled with his father's, that is a start. Next, these classified documents may come into play. Everything that the liberal media accused Trump of may actually be true of Pres. Biden. He may be actively selling our national security to China.

   This is why the Dems, and the media are trying every trick in the book to cover for the Bidens, going back to when Twitter blocked the NY Post's inital story about the laptop. The intel community has been involved, as well, but they have been exposed by the Twitter files, so they are not taking an active role in this phase of the coverup, it seems. For his part, the president is playing dumb, and not commenting. It's the first smart thing he's done, because there are now pictures and messages about him meeting with Hunter's foreign business associates, contrary to his repeated public claims.

   Then, there's the whole issue of the economy. Why on Earth does the president say it's doing well? It's as if he doesn't realize that increased regulation and taxes hurt economic growth. He seems to believe, as Nancy Pelosi used to say, that "every dollar spent by the federal government generates three" in the private sector. If the last two years have not disabused him of that fallacy, nothing will. It is astounding that he still stands by his economic failure.

   Last, but not least, there's the Southern border. This is a national security crisis of the first order, and that's not an exaggeration. Pres. Biden seems happy to preside over this, and deny the reality of it to the public. Honestly, his Sec. of Homeland Security Alejandro Myorkas should be impached, and Biden, as well, if it can be established that he ignored the seriousness of the crisis.

   All of this points to a staggering incompetence in our chief executive. Pres. Biden is clearly unfit for office, and the only ones who disagree are the people that support the far-left group that is actually running the show over at the White House. They are a bunch of anti-American radicals that think the USA is built on White Supremacy, and that Capitalism must be discarded, as well. Their policy prescriptions will destroy America, and the proof is in the first two years of Joe Biden's presidency.


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