Why The Democrats Side With Terrorists

   Will the Biden administration keep trying to restart some kind of "deal" with Iran, after they sponsored the HAMAS terrorist attack on Israel? I think they will, because the US Democrat party wants to destroy the free market, capitalist economic and political system that the Western world has lived by for over two centuries. The evidence is clear, in the Build Back Better Act. This legislation deepens our dependence on China, for inreliable solar and wind energy components, while divesting tax dollars from reliable LNG resources, here in America.

No, the Biden administration would rather enrich our enemies than help American businesses. I'm not sure that they have seen the national security implications of this "Green New Deal," but they should, now. Further, other departments of our own government have been telling anyone who wants to listen that we are closing too many fossil fuel plants, and that there is NO WAY that "wind and solar" can replace that lost energy generation.

Now, this post is about why the Democrats are siding with the terrorists, so let's get there. China wants Russian and Middle Eastern oil. Beside the "progressive" wing of the party siding with HAMAS, Pres. Biden has been clearly bought by China, and the former, Russia-backed government of Ukraine. He has tried his best to stifle US oil production, which benefits Russia and Iran, with higher oil prices. Biden made a show of asking Saudi Arabia, and even Venezuela to increase production, while hampering US drilling. 

Democrats in the US are religious fanatics, and one main tenet of their religion is opposing fossil fuels. Don't get me wrong, it's not the only policy that they are religiously fanatical about. There is the Southern border, where hundreds of potential terrorists have been allowed into our nation, with a "wink and nod" from Biden, and the Democrats, until recently. This is perhaps a larger threat than the Biden administration's energy policy.

We have just witnessed an unprecedented slaughter of Jewish citizens in Israel, and those same terrorists are saying they will do the same, here in America. I'm not sure if most Americans remember that there were people who cheered he 9/11 attacks, here in America. However, it is plain that many Americans have cheered this terrorist attack on innocent Israelis. I don't like to generalize, but I'm going to say this, with absolute confidence: ALL of those Americans who supported, defended, or otherwise excused or tried to rationalize HAMAS' attack on Israel are ALL DEMOCRATS. That is the political party that allows supporters of terrorism to be a part of its base.

I was a Democrat for much of my youth, and I am still a liberal Republican. The Democrats need to get rid of anyone that equivocates on the slaughter of innocent people. I would also remind the Democrats that when HAMAS launches rockets from civillian areas, THEY are responsible for any civillian deaths that are caused by Iraelis defending themselves. Please remember that, Ilhan Omar and the Squad.

The Democratic Party that I grew up in is long gone. The Republican Party that I grew up hating is at least more open to change than the Democrats are. I've seen the Tea Party movement, and now the Trump populist group, and every new group gets called "facist, racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic" by the liberal media. I have my issues with the Trump "cultists," and other factions of the GOP. However, when Trump was president, the policies that got enacted were significantly beneficial. Wages rose, especially for minorities, and the Abraham Accords surprised us all, and he killed the biggest Iranian terrorist leader of the last two decades! That was potentially bigger than killing Osama Bin Laden! Illegal immigration was at an all time low even before COVID, so what is there to argue with?

Meanwhile, Pres. Obama and Biden tried kissing Ir,an's ass, and it got us nothing but abuse, and more terror. Shit, Obama tried to dismiss ISIS as "the JV team," until they almost derailed his re-election. Yes, it is the Democrats that kiss up to terrorists, Besides terrorists, who doesn't remember Hillary "resetting" relations with Russia, or Pres. Obama telling Romney that his anti-Russia foreign policy was "from the '80's." That was before the Democrats needed to blame Russia for Trump's election.

I'll admit that the GOP has had it's share of stupid political foreign policy decisions. In fact, NOT supporting Ukraine right now is a BIG one. However, I attribute that to a suspicion about Ukraine, and not a greater geopolitical view. Again, there are many opinions in the GOP, and they are ALL being heard, as opposed to the Democrats. I will say that if there is division in the Dem Part about Ukraine, it explains Pres. Biden's waffling policy, which really sucks. Again, they are helping the terrorists, and other enemies of America, and freedom/


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