A belated blogburst, and I'm having a problem uploading images. See them at the links below.


The Young Conservatives of Texas - University of Texas Chapter announced today that they will be displaying an “ACLU Nativity Scene” on the West Mall of the University of Texas campus on Monday and Tuesday, December 4th and 5th. The group’s intent is to raise awareness on the extremity of the ACLU, and bring to light its secular-progressive efforts to remove Christmas from the public sphere. The display, the first of its kind in the nation, will feature characters that are quite a bit different than the standard crèche.

“We’ve got Gary and Joseph instead of Mary and Joseph in order to symbolize ACLU support for homosexual marriage, and of course there isn’t a Jesus in the manger,” said Chairman Tony McDonald. “The three Wise Men are Lenin, Marx, and Stalin because the founders of the ACLU were strident supporters of Soviet style Communism. The whole scene is a tongue-in-cheek way of showing the many ways that the ACLU and the far left are out of touch with the values of mainstream America.”

The scene will also display a terrorist shepherd and an angel in the form of Nancy Pelosi.

“The ACLU and other left-wing extremist groups are working diligently to destroy American’s rights to the free expression of religion,” said Executive Director Joseph Wyly. “We’ve already seen in Chicago an attempt to censor the nativity by a city government this week. It’s just more evidence that there is a War on Christmas being waged by the far-left in this country.” (source)

Lots more photos here.

Wild Bill was so inspired he created his own ACLU nativity scene.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.

PS FROM LEAV: Congrats to Jay, and all of the fine people at STOP THE ACLU, for getting credited as the source for this photo on Britt Hume's Special Report. His "Political Grapevine" segment is one of my favorites. I'm sorry my blogburst was delayed, but I published it before Thursday on Gather, where some moonbat flagged it for "offensive" content. I was so ticked off, I forgot to post it here on Thurday. On the bright side, I get to post the image from FOX NEWS now, with the STOP THE ACLU accreditation!


Muslim Unity said…
Fox News? I wonder what brain control powers Fox News has? Everybody in America seems to follow it.

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