Racism and Power: University of Delaware and Hazel Dukes' OTB

Let's take a look at another liberal folly exposed. First, from FNC's Special Report, the Political Grapevine segment:

The president of the University of Delaware has pulled the plug on that
controversial student diversity program we told you about Thursday.

Training materials for the program stated - "The term (racist) applies to
all white people ... living in the United States, regardless of class, gender,
religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be
racists, because ...they do not have the power to back up their prejudices,
hostilities, or acts of discrimination."

Students also complained about coercion on such topics as sexual
orientation, politics and the environment.

Thursday, university President Patrick Harker said, "Questions about the
program must be addressed and there are reasons for concern that the actual
purpose is not being fulfilled."

Indeed. This type of thinking is based in leftist ideology, not reality. People of every color have power in this country, and can abuse it, for any number of reasons, including racism. I cite Hazel Dukes, former NYS Off-Track Betting president, as well as former NAACP NY chairman. In the '90's, when she was appointed head of OTB by Gov. Mario Cuomo, she fired most of the white managers, if not all of them, and only white managers. There is little to be found online, but they did sue, and reach a settlement, as I remember.

There is no doubt that Ms. Dukes had the power, but did she abuse it for racial reasons, or just to put her friends in charge? It doesn't make a difference, because if the races were reversed, there would be no question in a liberal's mind (or in our courts) that it was racism. In fact, the overwhelming evidence forced the settlement. This refutes the theory underlying the "diversity" (read as liberal) propaganda they're shoving down student's throats at UD, and most colleges.

Because of the freedoms we enjoy in this nation, all minorities are free to speak about their different experiences, and viewpoints. Racism is a big problem, but it's not the exclusive province of white people, by a long shot. This "diversity" policy, at the University of Delaware, was biased on it's face, and didn't recognize racism as a worldwide phenomenon, not exclusive to the USA. This is a narrow, rather than comprehensive view of the subject.

As I said in the opening, another liberal folly exposed. Talking candidly about racism is the only way to deal with it. I hope this leads to a trend in re-examining policies on college campuses. I know that there's already a FIRE burning under their collective butts, but that's for another column. For now, I'm waiting to see what UD does next, as far as reforming their "diversity" program. Maybe they can get some views on "diversity" from conservatives?


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