Freshman Democrat Richardson: Skating On Thin Ice

A few weeks ago, I saw this AP story: (source)

An investor who bought a congresswoman's foreclosed home filed a lawsuit
against the legislator and her bank for rescinding the sale.

James York had purchased the home at auction in May for $388,000 after Rep.
Laura Richardson failed to make her mortgage payments. He claims Richardson used
her influence as a congresswoman to force Washington Mutual Inc. and a
subsidiary to later back out of the sale.

"They rescinded the notice of trustee sale and put it back in her name
before even telling me," York said. "It's not a difficult case. It's a valid

I noted that the GOP doesn't have a monopoly on "abuse of power."

Now, according to Tuesday's "political grapevine," on Fox News' Special Report, she has lost at least one house to forclosure:

Freshman Democratic Congresswoman Laura Richardson of California has
defaulted on two home loans and lost a third house at a foreclosure

The Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, California, also reports that when
she was a councilwoman in Long Beach, California, she crashed her BMW, failed to
pay a repair bill and then apparently violated a local policy by racking up
30,000 miles on a city-owned vehicle in one year.

But Richardson's past financial troubles have not stopped her from sporting
the most expensive car in the House of Representatives, despite her freshman
status. She now drives a customized 2007 Lincoln Town Car that costs taxpayers
$1,300 a month. The Daily Breeze reports that most cars leased by members of
Congress cost $400 to $800 a month.

Whoa! Do you think she'll abstain from voting on the mortgage bailout bill being worked on in Congress? Or might she try to make the language of the bill more beneficial to her situation? Judging by her past, and present character, I'd say the latter is the more likely possibility, though she may not have much say, as a freshman. She's also skating on thin ice, being mentioned negatively by two different media outlets in less than a month. Stay tuned.


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