Jesse Jackson's "Talking Points"

Now that I've seen the clip of Jesse Jackson for the umpteenth time, I've had time to analyze it. I still can't decide if he was trying to give the other guest "talking points," or if he was telling him how he really felt. I didn't see what they said "on camera," so this puzzle is incomplete. Also, O'Reilly mentioned that they had "worse" excerpts, but that they weren't "relevant" to any of the "issues" of the campaign. This is interesting on many fronts, and poses many questions:

First, when was this recorded? I saw a "Hannity & Colmes" logo in the lower right corner when O'Reilly broadcast the clips, but saw O'Reilly's logo there in the rebroadcasts on other channels. Jesse Jackson has only appeared once on the"O'Reilly Factor," but more often on H&C.". Second, what are they holding back? Should Mr. Jackson be grateful that they are living up to the "fair" part of their slogan? Does he regret mentioning "faith-based initiatives" as a reason for criticizing Obama? Did anyone else notice the body language of Mr. Jackson, as he said "cut his n*ts off?" He made an "under the table" hand motion, which looked an awful lot like a "slicing" motion, though only his upper body was visible.

My analysis ends with more questions than I had before this happened. I assumed Mr. Jackson supported Sen. Obama, but was trying to stay out of the limelight, lest he do what Pres. Clinton did to Hillary (ie: destroy her campaign). I also suspected some resentment, as the "new" generation often gets from their elders that they surpass. His comments won't hurt the Senator's campaign, but they seem to show some serious negative feelings over "faith-based initiatives." Now, Mr. Jackson is also a Reverend, and as such should support the "faith-based initiative" concept. Why would Sen. Obama's promotion of this issue tick off the Rev. Jackson so much?

Has Sen. Obama been condescending to Black people? I think he's been condescending to just about everyone, from his grandma to his preacher, not to mention those old, bitter voters in Pennsylvania (and Hillary, McCain, AIPAC, Palestinians, Canada, our European allies, Iran, Venezuela, etc...). My advice to Jesse is "welcome to the club!" It's part of running for office, to profess that you know better than anyone else how to run the nation. He should know this, which makes me lean towards thinking he really wants to "castrate" Sen. Obama's candidacy. He just doesn't want his fingerprints on it.

He should talk to Hillary. She was a real operator, when she wasn't the candidate. She's no longer the candidate, and is free to "operate" again; their goals may coincide. They both profess their support, and it sounds hollow from both of them. If Sen. Obama loses, it'll benefit them both, in different ways.

PS: We'll see how this plays out, eventually. I doubt this will be a big thing, though it's dominating the current news cycle.


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