"Free Syria" Website Published My Article: Thanks!

Back in May, I wrote an article titled "Expansionist Iran: Lebanon, Syria, Gaza." I didn't know it until recently, but a website called "Free Syria" published it, under my name, the same day I first published it on Gather.com. While I didn't know about it, I appreciate the exposure, and wanted to return the favor. I'm publishing an excerpt from the Chief Editor's Word, Oct. '06:

The fear of freedom is the worst of all fears. A timorous leader is a prisoner who is simply unaware of the real importance of freedom. It is the only key to guarantee a national unity that could be weakened by oppression, it is the only incentive for rising up a country and promoting stability for the whole society. Freedom is the first step towards democracy which will guarantee the citizens' rights to decide for their own destiny and to exercise their freedom of religion, thinking and expression.

Syria has been living for the past decades under a constant confiscation of public and private liberties and natural rights. This situation profoundly ripped Syria's national unity, weakened and impoverished its structure and led to the spread of corruption in a country where law, justice and rights are simply nonexistent notions.

This situation is even more dangerous since one individual and one family are constantly manipulating the country's destiny, spreading corruption, stealing public money, sowing fear and terror among citizens and supporting oppressive policies.

In the light of all this we felt that it is our national duty to create this website in order to help liberating Syria from an oppressive, unjust and corrupted regime so that a new democratic regime will be established. Democracy will guarantee the respect of both public and private liberties and will allow our population to exercise freely its natural rights.

"Free Syria" supports the Syrian National Salvation Front, which is devoted to democratic reforms and human rights in Syria. I'm honored that Free Syria published my piece in their "special articles" section, which features a wide spectrum of pro-freedom points of view. I highly recommend them as an insight into the Syrian "opposition" effort. As dismal as things look these days, I have hope for my brothers and sisters in Syria. One day, they will enjoy the peace and prosperity of democratic freedoms.



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