The Biden Record, and the Democrats Who Supported It, Pt. 6: The Corruption of the Biden Family, and the Democrat and Media Cover-Up


   While it's no surprise that the left wing media has "soft-pedaled" Democrat corruption for decades, the coverage of the Biden family is second only to the Clintons, in the brazenness and continued denial of clearly unethical, if not criminal activity. In this post we are going to explore how many ways Pres. Biden's family have cashed in on his political position, as well as how his family members have gotten away with crimes that would put "regular" people in jail, consistently and repeatedly. 

   Let's start with the least offender, his niece Caroline. She pled guilty to $110,000 credit card theft in NYC, in 2013. From the article: "Caroline Biden admitted Friday to grand larceny and petty larceny, with an agreement to get two years' probation if she repays the money, does 10 days of community service and avoids re-arrest for a year." Caroline continued to break the law, again skating away from serious penalties for a DUI incident. The NY Post has a long list of the Biden family members who have actually been charged, and gotten off with wrist slaps. This post is going to look at "The Big Guy," and his son Hunter, as well as his brother James Biden.

   It's fairly common for people to ask "how does a Congressman or Senator become a millionaire, if not by corruption?", especially if they weren't rich before being elected. Joe Biden is a perfect example of that. I won't reach back too far, but this Politico article details how James, Hunter, and Beau Biden acted as surrogates to cash in on the Biden name, and political clout. James Biden has a long history of cashing in on his brother's political power, as noted by the progressives at Pro Publica

   All of that stuff is old news, from when Biden was a Senator. When he became Vice President, the Biden Crime Family operation went into  the big leagues. His son Hunter was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian oil company called Burisma, at over $50,000 per month, to sit on it's board of directors. The real reason he was hired was that Burisma was allied with the Russian backed government of Ukraine, and there was a burgeoning democratic opposition, which included a prosecutor that was looking into Burisma.

   It's worth noting at this point that Pres. Trump was impeached for witholding aid to Ukraine, a few years later, to prod them to investigate what happened with the Burisma investigation, and Hunter Biden. It turns out to look like Burisma hired Hunter Biden in May, 2014, with the express intent of using his Dad, VP Joe Biden, to kill the investigation into them. It worked, and big mouth Joe admitted it, in a widely viewed video

   For further insight into the Biden Criminal Enterprise, we only need to look at the information provided by the Hunter Biden laptop, which has been verified as real, contrary to the early social and liberal media, especially Twitter and Facebook, as well as government attempts to cover it up, and discredit it. From what is on the laptop, it looks as if Pres. Biden was paid by the Chinese Communist Party, as well as other foreign entities, through various businesses in his son Hunter's name. What did he do to get this money? 

   We've seen what he did for the corrupt Russian-allied kleptocrats who ran Burisma, and we can see that he is soft of foreign policy issues regarding China, currently. He rails against Russia, but won't use the biggest non-military weapon in America's arsenal: Oil and LNG production, to blunt that aspect of the Russian strategy. His insistence on transitioning to "green energy" is actually making us as reliant on China for our future energy supply as Europe has become on Russian LNG. 

   I can't say that Pres. Biden is selling out America for foreign money, but I can say that his policies are selling out American energy independence, as well as destroying the economy. Whether he is personally profitting from it is really irrelevant. He, and his far left Democrats in both houses of Congress need to be booted out of office, in 2022. They stand for destroying the capitalist system, and they admit it. The Biden family has gotten rich under the capitalist system, and they think that they will continue to do so, even after they destroy it.

   Sen. Grassley is investigating multiple aspects of the Biden administration's potential corruption, starting with the DoJ. The coverup of Hunter Biden's crimes, as well as the aggressive prosecution of Pres. Trump, and many of his supporters is something that FBI whistleblowers have been contacting the senator about. There is also the FBI investigations of parents who have complained at school board meetings. This is an abuse of government power, clearly.

   There is no way to assure that the judicial system will ever bring these people to justice. The only recourse is political. Remember, it's not just about the corruption. It's about giving us a break from over-regulation and taxation. Maybe we can take the money for 87,000 new IRS agents, and hire 87,000 new Border Control Agents. A Republican Congress will stop the destructive Biden agenda in it's tracks.

   For all of the talk about Pres. Trump "breaking norms," and being "secretive" and "authoritarian," it looks as if the opposite was true. His was one of the most transparent administrations ever, thanks to all of the "opposition" and "resistance" people that were inside, and leaked everything they could. Some even contravened explicit policy that the chief executive stated, just because they could.

   Where are those people, now? The economy is going to Hell in a handbasket, the Southern border is nonexistant, foreign allies and enemies are laughing in our face at our attempts to influence them, and businesses are being strangled by new regulatory burdens, all of which is crushing average middle class Americans. Where are the people that should be in a position to counter the destructive and corrupt policies that Biden is pursuing?

   Nowhere. They all are on the same page, without even getting paid off. That's why they're called "useful idiots."



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