Spitzer WAS Behind "Dirty Tricks" Scandal, After All

I knew the truth would out, eventually. Last July, I posted "Spitzer Exposed: Anatomy of a 'Breaking Scandal.'" That scandal focused on whether Spitzer directed the NY State police to "keep tabs" on Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, his chief political rival, to see if he was misusing state helicopters for political trips. See my various Spitzer posts, for the details and updates. Obviously, it was not the scandal that ultimately took him down, but I will revisit it once again, starting with a quote from my post:

"It all depends on what he knew, and when he knew it. I predict that we're gonna find out both of those things, and it ain't gonna be good for Gov. Spitzer, pardon my slang."

As the NY Times (link) and the NY Post (link) reported yesterday, Spitzer knew it all, some time before the "leaking" of the Bruno travel records to the Albany Times-Union. The only question still unanswered by yesterday's stories is if Spitzer told his aides to order the creation of these "special" records. These were leaks from the DA's report, which will be released within the week. I'll venture another prediction: Spitzer did order their creation. If that's not in the report, it's as much of a whitewash as the Albany DA's first report was. Please read both stories, linked above.

Speaking of which, why isn't Albany DA David Soares' "first investigation" being investigated? How about the Albany Times-Union's role in this corruption? There are other investigations pending, but they probably won't get near as much publicity as the one that took "Client Nine" down. I'll keep passing on what I hear, of course. Spitzer's "dirty tricks" scandal gives us a window into political corruption in NYS, which deserves exposure.

Just ask Joe Bruno, or our new Governor Paterson. Or maybe not. Stay tuned.


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