ONE SICK BLOG: "Paiderastia" The Boy Love Revival

This is not an easy subject to post about, having had more than one encounter with pedophilia in my own childhood. I'm actually more comfortable relating those stories as anecdotes from my past than I am posting about the problems we are facing today.

There is a blog called "Paiderastia" The Boy Love Revival. It is among the most disgusting things I have read online, and that says alot. WND reports that Stacy L. Harp of Orange, Calif., is trying to convince Google to drop the website from Blogspot, which also is the home of my three blogs. The fine folks at STOP THE ACLU have also weighed in on this, which is where I found out about it. Read those links, and the other blogs that linked to STOP The ACLU (and the comments). I like Lobo in OK's idea to flag the blog as offensive, for starters.

I want to take on a couple of common liberal arguments in favor of pedophiles' right to "free speech."

I will protect a pedophile's right to free speech, unless it advocates pedophilia. We, as a nation, have tolerated advocates of murder, as in "kill the pigs," a phrase that was prevalent in my youth. While we tolerate these kind of politically-inspired rantings, we wouldn't tolerate them from murderers, or suspected murderers. If one is not a known murderer, but wrote a blog about how beautiful and loving an act murder can be, he/she might reasonably be a suspected murderer. This is similarly why some rap artists, whose "art" is tolerated (protected), are under intense police scrutinization, as these pedophiles should be. Advocacy of pedophilia, murder, or any violent crime is not protected under the first amendment, and should be restricted.

A theoretical debate about this sick act is also protected from government censorship as "free expression." This is true, but Google is not the government. They are a publicly-held corporation, and as such, are not bound by the same rules that government is, regarding censorship. I know that I may be going against my own interests here. A whole bunch of people I've offended may someday try to do this to LEAVWORLD. I also worry that criticizing blogspot might cause me some trouble, but I will have to deal with that if it happens. Blogspot should shut down "Paiderastia."

In the age of South Park, we can expect some people to think that this blog is no big thing. If the blog stays up, I will write more about it, as I do about many other blogs I passionately disagree with. I haven't commented there yet, or even read the comments. It just is too revolting. The best course is to publicize it as much as possible, with the hope that O'Reilly will pick it up. When that happens, the blog will dissappear. That's my two cents.

UPDATE: I went there, and commented. I hope they do the same here, specifically Justice and Ashleigh; please debate what I have written here. Also, everyone check out Ashleigh's blog "neither here nor there." -for more sick rantings. These people won't go away, unless they are put away.

UPDATE II: The PEDERASTIA blog now is subtitled "in absentia,: and is authored by someone called "CLAYBOY." It's first post starts with this:

This blog is being kept and will be handed over to the original Paiderastia authors if and when they should want it.

It gets uglier after that. It's at the same link as above, if you want to get sick (again).


Thank you for posting this!! I have linked you on my blog, hope that is okay.
Rosemary Welch said…
JB, you are the only one blessing yourself. God has declared, "If anyone shall harm one these children, it would be better for him to put a milstone around his neck and throw himself into the sea."

You, sir, are mentally ill.
Anonymous said…
Do you have an address? Maybe we could get together. Give me your address. Come on. Don't be afraid. I'm 10 years old. Am I too old? I don't like it here anymore. Where do you live? I want to run away. Do you really love me? That would so good...
I see that you have no understanding of your crimes, or the harm you cause. If a 10 year old is "almost too young" for you, I hope that you are arrested and incarcerated for life, before you ruin and twist some other child's life.

I'm glad you wrote you're sick ideas here, so that everyone reading this can see that you exist, and how sick you really are.
I don't have any evidence that you have committed a crime. However, you did say that 10 yr. olds are "almost too young" for you. Almost too young for what? For you to "love?" As long as you don't act on it, I suppose I have no problem.

A normal adult looks at a beautiful child, and may say something like "he/she will be a heartbreaker, when they grow up." Anything beyond that is inappropriate, and just not in our psychological makeup.

I have read some of the stuff at Pederastia, and much of it crosses that line. What kind of "love" do you feel for children? Do you understand that they are not old enough to understand the adult concept of true, physical love? Do you realize that acting as if they do is what is wrong with you?

Pedophiles often claim they would never "hurt" children. This is like the abusive spouse who says they do what they do out of love. How many times have I heard "I would never hurt her" from some maggot who killed his wife, or from a pedophile whose "boylover" went on to commit similar acts, or even suicide. That's the effect of the type of "love" you profess.

I hope that the authorities know who you are, and are investigating all of your activities. Something makes me suspect that you do more than just think about having sex with children. Again, thanks for commenting.

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