This week, I thought I'd write my own STOP THE ACLU Blogburst. First, here are some excerpts from an email I recieved from the NYCLU:

Dear Christopher Leavitt,

The Senate continues to deliberate this week over two competing immigration reform proposals that will shape the lives of millions of men, women, and children for decades to come.

Your immediate help is needed to ensure that any immigration bill passed by the Senate upholds basic rights and freedoms.

Anti-immigrant forces are mounting a fierce battle in Congress to push through heavy-handed measures that would violate fundamental rights and freedoms. The House has already passed the unrealistic and punitive "enforcement only" bill that would turn hundreds of thousands of hardworking immigrants into criminals. Now the Senate is debating its own bill.

Under certain provisions in the Senate bill, the government will have the extraordinary power to detain non-citizens indefinitely and to deport certain immigrants without any court hearing. The bill even encourages local police to enforce federal immigration law, which will drive communities underground and deprive immigrants of vital government services.

PS. Please remember to join the NYCLU contingent at an immigrants’ rights rally scheduled for April 10th at City Hall.

Oh, my heart is bleedin'!

Who could support such inhumane measures?


Here is the email form letter that they suggest I edit and send to my elected representatives. I have included my edited version of it, paragraph by paragraph:

Dear [ Decision Maker ],
As your constituent, I urge you to oppose any immigration reform bill that infringes on the fundamental rights to due process, judicial review, and privacy. (Edit Letter Below)

Immigration reform should not punish individuals who come to this country seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Rather, immigration reform must be consistent with American values. I ask you to oppose any immigration bill that contains the following provisions:

Immigration reform should not punish individuals who come to this country legally seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Rather, immigration reform must be consistent with American values, primarily obeying the law and customs of our nation. I ask you to support any immigration bill that contains the following provisions:

Section 202 - The indefinite detention (possibly for their entire lives) of undocumented immigrants who cannot be returned to their countries of origin.

Section 202 - The indefinite detention (possibly for their entire lives) of undocumented immigrants who cannot be returned to their countries of origin, if they are legally determined to be a danger to society.

Section 231 - The expansion of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database to include data on millions of immigrants who have not been accused of any criminal wrongdoing. Police who use the NCIC database should not be charged with enforcing federal immigration laws. Otherwise, immigrants will be discouraged from helping law enforcement and from seeking government services.

Section 231 - The expansion of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database to include data on millions of immigrants who are here illegaly. Police who use the NCIC database must be charged with enforcing federal immigration laws. Illegal immigrants will be discouraged from seeking government services, unless they comply with the guest worker program.

Section 301 - Requiring employers to verify the employment eligibility of all citizens, lawful permanent residents and visa holders. This would set the groundwork for a national ID card system.

Section 301 - Requiring employers to verify the employment eligibility of all citizens, lawful permanent residents and visa holders. Congress must make it a crime to knowingly not enforce these laws, or to COERCE their non-enforcement.

Sections 701 and 707 - Stripping the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal of their jurisdiction to hear immigration appeals and requiring that all appeals be sent to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, DC. This unwise proposal transferring 11,000 or more cases per year to a dozen judges with little immigration law experience should be rejected.

Sections 701 and 707 - Stripping the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal of their jurisdiction to hear immigration appeals and requiring that all appeals be sent to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, DC. Repeat illegal immigrants should be deported with as little involvement by the judiciary as possible.

We need a reasonable bill from the Senate, not an unrealistic bill based on anti-immigrant sentiment.

We need a reasonable bill from the Senate, not an unrealistic bill based on pro-illegal immigrant sentiment.

I look forward to your response. (I'm sending the edited version to Hill & Chuck, as well as Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D), my House Representative, just for kicks. I'll get form letters back, if I'm lucky. I encourage readers to paste my edited version on the ACLU's link, here. -Or edit it yourself. I posted the whole edited version uninterrupted in the comments section, to make it easy to paste.)


The ACLU is insane. They are totally ignoring a whole host of problems relating to illegal immigration. What they want is more anarchy and dissonance in the USA. They seem to be willing to extend the rights and priveleges of citizenship to all illegals, even if they reject and hate this country! I predict that they will want to make the Gitmo detainees US citizens, taking the YALE Taliban example to the extreme.

Seriously, the ACLU's agenda is not good for the USA. The Senate must have a stick, as in penalties for illegals who don't register as guest workers. The wall is also a must, as well as more personnel at the border, whether National Guard, or Minutemen. Only then can we allow the liberal legal immigration policy that will serve both the US and Mexico better than the current state of affairs.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 180 blogs already on-board.



Immigration reform should not punish individuals who come to this country legally seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Rather, immigration reform must be consistent with American values, primarily obeying the law and customs of our nation. I ask you to support any immigration bill that contains the following provisions:

Section 202 - The indefinite detention (possibly for their entire lives) of undocumented immigrants who cannot be returned to their countries of origin, if they are legally determined to be a danger to society.

Section 231 - The expansion of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database to include data on millions of immigrants who are here illegaly. Police who use the NCIC database must be charged with enforcing federal immigration laws. Illegal immigrants will be discouraged from seeking government services, unless they comply with the guest worker program.

Section 301 - Requiring employers to verify the employment eligibility of all citizens, lawful permanent residents and visa holders. Congress must make it a crime to knowingly not enforce these laws, or to COERCE their non-enforcement.

Sections 701 and 707 - Stripping the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal of their jurisdiction to hear immigration appeals and requiring that all appeals be sent to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, DC. Repeat illegal immigrants should be deported with as little involvement by the judiciary branch as possible.

We need a reasonable bill from the Senate, not an unrealistic bill based on pro-illegal immigrant sentiment.

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