From a Manhattan Bodega to Protecting SCOTUS Justices, Dems Side With Criminals Over Victims

   One of the most outrageous stories in the news this week is that Manhattan's "soft on crime" DA Alvin Bragg charged Latino bodega worker Jose Alba with second degree murder for defending himself against Austin Simon, 34, a parolee who went behind the counter and assaulted him. Mr. Simon has a criminal record that includes robbery, assault, and violence during a domestic dispute, as well as having served a sentence for killing a police officer, according to this website. Mr. Alba has never been arrested or charged with any crime in his 61 years.

   The outrage over this case isn't occurring in a vacuum. Manhattan's District Attorney is a Democrat, and one of many that are now being exposed as being more sympathetic to criminals than victims of crime. San Fransisco Democrat DA Chesa Boudin was recently recalled over similar concerns, by the voters of that liberal city. In Los Angeles, Democrat DA George Gascon is facing a similar recall action. Apparently, the progressive wing of the Democrat party is not in tune with the concerns of their constituent members. 

   The obvious question is "what did these progressives think would happen" when they sided with criminals over victims? The answer is that in progressive circles, criminals are the victims of "systemic racism" that is perpetuated by "white supremacism," and that law-abiding minorities would join them in supporting minority criminals. They were wrong, because the victims of most crimes committed by minorities are also minorities. Systemic racism and white supremacy are not the reason that these crimes are happening.

   While Democrats rail for stronger gun control laws, Democrat prosecutors refuse to prosecute cases involving illegal guns. They prefer to limit legal gun ownership, when that has little bearing on gun crimes. In fact, John Lott reports that higher legal gun ownership rates reduce gun crimes, and crime overall. Any criminal will tell you: "I'm more afraid of a victim with a gun than a policeman." Perhaps this is why more women and minorities are buying legal guns.

   This is not the only area that Democrats are siding with criminals over victims. Apparently, neither the federal or local Democratic governments have acted in defense of Supreme Court justices that were appointed by Republican, even after a person was caught trying to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh. Yet every day, before and after that attempt, mobs form outside of these justices' homes, in violation of both federal and local laws. AG Garland makes mealy-mouthed justifications about the "First Amendment," which fall flat in the face of the current circumstance. Free speech is a right, but the place you can do it is not. More recently, a mob formed outside of a Morton's Steakhouse where Justice Kavanagh was having dinner. No words of condemnation from any Democrat for that, either.

   In summation, Democrats seem to believe that actual victims of crime don't rate protection, or even recognition, but actual criminals are the real "victims of society," and are justified in doing any criminal act. I'm sorry, but that dog won't hunt anymore. Minorities are done buying it, and people that never paid attention to politics, and agreed with what the major media said are seeing through the BS. Soaring crime rates are affecting people in areas that have not experienced that in decades. I'm reminded of an old saying: "A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged." We'll see if that still holds true, in the midterm elections.


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