What's the Deal With the Biden Team?

    One has to ask, what's the deal with Pres. Biden's administration? It's easy enough to say "he's old, and incompetent," because that much is obvious. That's not the question, though. Students of history know about times that previous presidents were not in charge, and the constitutional successors did not take charge. It usually happened after a president was elected, because of something unforeseen. In Biden's case, he was incapable of the job from the time he started his campaign. It was accepted that his "team" was an "establishment" bunch, who would bring back "normalcy" to the executive branch, instead of Pres. Trump's "erratic" policies and behaviors.

   Eighteen months in, it looks as if anyone who voted for him, believing that he or his "team" would be a "normal" Democrat on policy, guessed wrong. His team is dominated by far left individuals, who he has backed to the hilt, even as their policies are destroying vital sectors of our economy and security. His incoherence seems invisible to the friendly left-wing media, who share his team's far left goals. Regular people of all parties are flabbergasted with this media covering of his ass, and our foreign adversaries are taking advantage, by playing along. It seems as if he might not even know that China and Russia have bought him off, through his son Hunter. 

   Compounded in the potential corruption and incompetence, his team has embraced many of the far-left's goals, and spent significant political capital toward those ends. It's far from enough for them, but it's been enough to destroy the engine of the US economy. Imagine why any US administration would curtail domestic energy production, and all of the economic activity that it accrues as a side benefit, while asking foreign producers, some of which are adversaries, to increase their output.

   The Biden team says they want to accelerate the transition to "renewable" solar and wind energy, but that is not true. The policies that they are using to justify ending fossil fuel usage are also being used to prevent the production of the materials needed to produce batteries, as well as the rest of the hardware for solar and wind power. The policies they are promoting will kill ALL domestic energy production, and leave us even more dependent on fossil fuel energy produced by outside sources. This is why AMLO, the Mexican president, is trying to nationalize that nation's energy industry. He sees where the US is headed, and is positioning his nation accordingly.

   China is a huge beneficiary of the Biden team's policies. They are making his family rich, as he mandates that we buy solar and wind power components from them. I used to think Al Gore was the biggest scammer on the Green Energy racket, and John Kerry was a late-comer. Neither of them hold a candle to the Bidens, who are brazenly driving the nation into paying their family off. It's incredible that even after Russia has invaded Ukraine, and is using it's energy as leverage against Europe, the Biden team still hasn't significantly changed US energy production policy.

   I find it ironic that so many on the left saw "collusion" between Trump and Russia, because he wanted to spread his brand name to a hotel there, before he declared his candidacy. Once in office, his policies drove oil prices down, and hurt Russia's economy, even as he spoke kindly about Putin. I have to mention that he launched 59 cruise missiles into Syria, killing dozens of Russian "contractors," while having dinner with Chinese Pres. Xi, in Mar a Lago. Pres. Trump had AMLO keeping foreign nationals in Mexico, an agreement that Pres. Biden dropped, creating the current border crisis.

   There are plenty of good reasons to dislike Pres. Trump, and to not want him back in office. However, Pres. Biden's "team" have proved themselves to be even LESS popular than the "ORANGE MAN," without any controversial Twitter rants. Biden has also benefitted from media coverage that has covered up for him, when not kissing his ass. So you tell me, what the hell is up with the Biden team, and why do they deserve any respect, much less support from anyone?


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