What If the Trump Backed Candidates Win In November?

   Democrats have made a cynical ploy of spending a lot of money "opposing" candidates that support Pres. Trump in GOP primaries, with the intent of actually making them the opponents in the general election. They have had some success, in some big contests. However, what if these "extreme, radical" Trumpists actually beat their Democratic opponents in November? 

   I'm not getting into specific prognostications, just imagining what will happen. The GOP will be saddled with a new bunch of office holders that aren't "establishment" pols, and the Democrats will have helped that happen. Some of these candidates look like real whackos, but not all of them. Also, our system is one of checks and balances, which limits the power of any elected official.

   The Dems, on the other hand, will still have lost those seats they expected to win, and it's worth looking at their own internal divides. I don't know of any corresponding scheme by the GOP to support "far left" Democrats in the primaries. The candidates that will lose to these GOP candidates may be moderates, which will hurt the Dems more than any Trumpist Republican will the GOP. 

   There are still huge differences between the parties, and there are several things that Trumpist Republicans share with "establishment" Republicans, and a majority of independent voters. They oppose the far-left policies of Pres. Biden, and his Democratic majority. The Democrats are doing their best to distract voters from what's in front of their eyes, but it's not working.

   The only real issue in the midterm elections is how to stop the destruction of the economy, the Southern border, the military, public education, and law enforcement, as well as restraining the bureaucratic behemoth that has enabled this destruction. This is an election about putting a check and balance on an administration that is out of control.

   Republicans always have a faction that either gets suckered by, or willingly goes along with Democrats, as shown by the recent "semiconductor" slush fund corporate welfare bill. Perhaps voters can ignore all of the "stolen election" rhetoric, to get some politicians that will actually vote for the people they represent's interest.

   I'm not a fan of Trump, anymore, but I still support most of his policies. I don't like candidates that want to "audit" the last presidential election, or claim it was "stolen." SO WHAT? Kennedy stole the election from Nixon, but Nixon came back, without bemoaning "Chicago" for years. I could still hold my nose, and vote for a representative that supported Trump's nonsense, because they also support the policies that I do. 

   This "stop the steal" stuff is just bologna, meant to capture die-hard Trump voters. It really has no bearing on what they are being elected to do. That's why I think that the Dem's scheme to support Trump-backed candidatess may backfire. If it happens, I told you so!!!


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