Green Energy Policies Are Destroying the Global Economy, and Not Stopping Climate Change


   Why the hell are Western political leaders pushing "net zero emission" policies? What on Earth are they thinking? NOTHING they are proposing will appreciably affect the climate, but the real costs will be far worse than financial. People will die from lack of energy, because solar and wind are not ready to replace fossil fuels. If Greta Thunberg ran the world, 75% of the humans on Earth would die, and she might be fine with that, because she's a 16 year old kid with Autism.

   I am sick of anyone telling the public that "global climate change" is an "existential crisis." Yes, I mean that indefensible, incoherent fool in the White House, President Joe Biden. He, and all of the other climate alarmists need to stop claiming that science is on their side, because it's NOT. The electorate, meaning the people who vote for their representative government officials, are quite clearly seeing through this political charade.

   Pres. Biden likes to blame it on the Russia-Ukraine war, but gas, and energy prices in general were increasing way before that. It actually is pretty simple, if you break it down. Western nations have strong left-wing "green" parties or factions in their left wings. They have been driving the Western nations to divest from investment in fossil fuels, and nuclear power, because of Fukushima. Since solar and wind power aren't ready to fill the gap, the cost of producing energy from fewer fossil and nuclear sources has increased. It's actually that simple.

   China and India are not buying into this "green energy" scheme, because they need reliable energy. Many smaller developing nations are being bullied into really bad "green energy" policies, and it's destroying their economies. They are turning to China, for funding coal plants, instead. If US progressives cared about "global CO2 emissions," they would fund LNG, or natural gas exploration in Africa, instead of Chinese-funded coal mines.

   No, American progressives won't settle for half a loaf, or incremental progress. They would rather destroy the global economy in service of a goal that they can't achieve. Net zero emissions is a fantasy.  What the heck does that mean, anyway? Humans breathe out CO2, and fart methane. The money they want to spend on acieving this fantasy can be used to mitigate its effects, here and now. In a hundred years, scientists may be looking at the "climate change" alarmists the way that we look at how the Catholic Church treated Da Vinci. They definitely will have more data on it.

   What is missing from any of the progressive left's alarmism is a rational cost/benefit analysis. First of all, if we want to talk about life and death, global warming has actually benefitted humanity. This column by Bjorn Lomborg is very informative, as all of his columns are. The amount of money taken away from current mitigation efforts, in service of an unachievable end is staggering! This doesn't even take into account who the costs of these policies fall on.

   John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Gates, and all of their political compatriots, like Pres. Biden think that making fossil fuel energy more expensive will drive the change to "renewables," like wind and solar. Do they care if electric rates triple, because there is a scarcity of energy? No, they are all millionaires, if not billionaires, and some of them got rich off of green government subsidies. They don't give a crap if your electric rate triples, or your gas price doubles.

   Back to the global picture of climate change, and CO2 emissions, how does it look for Pres. Biden to kiss Iran and Venezuela's asses, to get more oil production. They are enemies, but Pres. Biden also looked like a fool kissing up to Saudi Arabia, an ally that he took pains to alienate, again with the gas can in hand. All the while, he's suppressing domestic oil production. How dumb a policy can you get, trying to appease the "green" left, and not look like a hypocrite.

   In conclusion, climate alarmism is a bad thing, and policies based on it are disastrous, both economically and politically. Voters are now experiencing the economic effects of these policies, and there will be an electoral backlash. This is only ONE aspect of the bad policy decisions that are causing the red wave, this year. It's a big one, but not the biggest,,,


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