The Biden Record, and the Democrats Who Supported It: Closing Argument Before Election Day


   This is the final post in my series on the 2022 midterm elections, and before I make my closing arguments, I'd like to share links to each post, so that they can all be accessed through this post.

Part 1: The Biden Record, and the Democrats Who Supported It: A Series on Graffiti Politti

Part 2: COVID and Educational Policy Failures

Part 3: Garland's DoJ and FBI Seek Domestic Threats, While Ignoring Crime and the Crisis on the Southern Border

Part 4: How Biden Blew Up the Economy With Inflation

Part 5: Foreign Policy Failures, Empowering America's Enemies, and Being Owned by Foreign Powers

Part 6: The Corruption of the Biden Family, and the Democrat and Media Cover-Up

      When I started this series, the political landscape was a bit different, with Democrats having a surge from their year-long drubbing in the polls. The raid on Mar a Lago put Pres. Trump back in the media spotlight, and the SCOTUS ruling on abortion was still affecting the GOP poll numbers, as well. Unfortunately for them, neither issue "had legs," in political parlance. While abortion is proving to have some lasting impact in several states, it has faded from the agenda in "blue" states like NY, because it is already protected there, and the GOP gubenatorial candidate has no intention of changing that.

   Likewise, and almost counter-intuitively, the MAGA candidates that Democrats cynically supported in the GOP primaries, with an eye to facing an easier general election opponent, may now be poised to win, next week. Apparently, voters can overlook ranting about a "stolen election," because they know that the candidate can't undo it. They also might remember that plenty of Dems have ranted about "stolen elections," for many years. This leaves Democrats' claims that "democracy is on the ballot" sounding a bit hollow.

   Neither Trump nor Biden are on the ballot this year, but since Biden is president, his policies are. It's no secret that most Democrats running this cycle do not want to be seen with Pres. Biden, and many are openly campaigning on their opposition to his policies. However, it's hard to do that, when your legislative record tells a different story. If you listen closely, most of them cite opposition to policies that never went to a congressional vote, such as student debt relief. How convenient for them.

   To recap, every Democrat voted for the American Rescue Plan, which spent $1.9 trillion dollars on a wish list of Democrat policies, and ended up stoking the already growing embers of inflation. No Republicans voted for it. Pres. Trump had already pumped too much money into the "pandemic shut down" economy, but he left Pres. Biden with three quarters of solid GDP growth. Since Pres. Biden took office, inflation has steadily increased. In 2022, we've had 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP, which is the classic definition of a recession, although in the latest quarter, GDP rebounded to positive territory. The economic forecasts are not so positive.

   As bad as the economy has become under Pres. Biden and the Democrat Congress, there are several larger problems that can only be resolved by voting in a Republican Congess. Pres. Biden is not the actual president. I don't know who is making the decisions, but it's not him. There is also the issue of his connections to foreign powers, that have paid his family millions of dollars. These two factors make a solid case for removal from office, but nobody in his cabinet, or the congressional Democrat leadership is contemplating that. Why is that? Because they are using his power to help themselves, and not looking out for the national interest or security.

   Let's look at the crisis on the Southern border, where every local Democratic legislator has been begging the White House to do something, to no avail. The Biden administration is throwing all of these elected officials under the bus, and why? What is the reason that they will do nothing about the open Southern border? Mexico is a corrupt state, with the cartels as much in control as the government. The numbers of foreign nationals not from Central or South America have been increasing for years, as well as the numbers of known or suspected terrorists. Let's not forget the fentanyl from China, being funneled through Mexico. This whole issue is on Biden's watch, because Pres. Trump worked hard to stop illegal immigration, with some success.

   Pres. Biden's AG, Merrick Garland, is out of control, and another official that should be impeached for abuse of power, if not outright unconstitutional actions by the DoJ. We can start with the Jan. 6th rioters, and go on from there. The Jan. 6th, 2021 Capitol Hill invasion was a travesty, beyond a doubt. There were many people who deserve the charges they got, because we've seen the video of their actions. What concerns me is the lack of a full public exposure of ALL of the evidence from that day. The Department of Justice also has a duty to share any exculpatory evidence it has posession of, and I don't think they have done that.

   This is where Jan. 6th, 2021 has become a political weapon. Let's not kid ourselves, Speaker Pelosi's committee was not created to get to the truth about what happened that day, but to turn public opinion against the Republicans in this week's midterm elections. Can anyone honestly say that the threat against "democracy" that day, which was opposed by the Republican Vice President, was actually an organized "insurrection?" The fact that AG Garland is indicting people who weren't even there that day says volumes about who the real authoritarians are, and it's not the GOP, or even most Trump supporters.

   Another thing that has to be laid at the feet of the Biden/Garland DoJ is the unconstitutional war against parents of public school children. This was so convoluted, it seems insane. This letter was sent by the National School Boards Association to Pres. Biden, asking for the DoJ to protect school board members against "threats." Then, it was exposed that Biden's Education Secretary, Miguel Cardona solicited the NSBA to send the letter. In other words, one branch of the Biden administration reached out to a federation of state associations, and asked them to ask the president to use federal law enforcement to stifle local parents who were too vociferous in their objections to local school board policies. The Biden/Garland DoJ played right along with this, and haven't even apologized, after it was all exposed. The only real consequence has been at the ballot box, in school board races across the country, and most famously with Republican Go. Glen Youngkin's election in Virginia, ground zero for this political fight. Vot Republican if you want sanity in your local public school.

   The biggest issue on everyone's mind this year is the economy. There are no easy outs from the current economic situation, but there are some policies that are sure to lead us out of this mess faster. Democrats hate big business, and frame everything as a greedy choice made by "fat cats." It's true that businesses exist to make profits, but they have to provide a product or service, otherwise nobody would give them money. Pres. Biden and the Democrats have tried to blame inflation on every business, big and small, without looking to their own spending policies, and the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates effectively negative at the same time.

   It's true that the GOP was profligate at spending, under Trump. Fiscal hawks were pushed out, and it only got worse, during the pandemic. However, only a handful GOP members supported just two of the Democrats' big spending bills, over the last two years. Other than the infrastructure and semiconductor bills, the GOP was unified against Pres. Biden's spending. It's a good bet that Pres. Biden, in the clutch of the far left, won't get any more insane progressive giveaways in his first term, if the GOP controls Congress.

   Foreign policy is an area that is troubling, because we are militarily less powerful than China, right now, in naval assets. I have stated above my belief that Pres. Biden, or whoever in his family is making decisions for him, is possibly controlled by China. Right now, there is some sentiment in the GOP base to abandon support for Ukraine. I wonder if theose people think the same about Taiwan. It's all well and good to say "the US shouldn't be the policeman of the world," and that's true, except that if not us, then who? My father served in WW II, and when the shit hit the fan, globally, we were woefully unprepared. I don't want to see that scenario replayed in this century. Considering Pres. Biden's feckless withdrawl from Afghanistan, does anyone think he's up to that challenge?

   Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and perhaps some other nations are waging a new "Cold War" against the West, and they have much better resources than the old USSR did, thanks to China's embrace of "state Capitalism." My bigger point here is actually bipartisan: we have to stop using partisan divisions to guide foreign policy. While Pres. Trump said he wanted to be friends with Putin's Russia, he had no problem killing hundreds of Russians in Syria, with 59 cruise missiles, fired as he was hosting Chinese President Xi for dinner at Mar A Lago. That's why Russia didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president.

   In any case, foreign policy is not near the top of 2022 voters' concerns, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention the other top issue after the economy, which is crime. Pres. Biden and Congress really have little policy effect on local crime policy, but the Democrats, as a party, do. Much like the situation at the Southern border, the rising crime rates in cities across the country are causing big political problems. Pres. Biden tried to retroactively say that his American Rescue Plan had money for more police, but it doesn't mention them, in the 2021 press release. They even tried to flip the script, and say Republicans want to defund the police, at one point.

   The truth is that the far left Democrats who have taken over the party, from NY State to the Biden White House, simply think that criminals are the victims of a systemically racist judicial system. They have no sympathy for the minority victims of these crimes. If this is not enough to infuriate any independent or even Democrat voter, I have no other argument. Maybe there IS a systemically racist judicial system, but it's setting free the criminals that are plaguing minority communities. Who is killing black and brown men, women, and children in higher numbers than just two years ago? Not police, that's for sure. Democrat DA's, Governors, judges and legislatures all have a hand in it. The only way for minority communities to end this cycle is to vote for a different party than the one that brought this devastation to their neighborhoods. Even Trump said it: "What have you got to lose?"

   This coming Tuesday, America is going to make a choice. It's going to be messy, and of course, there will be arguments, and denial, and we know that Pennsylvania will not have results for a few days, because of their idiotic laws. This won't be an election that "decides the future of our nation," any more than the last one, or the next one. In this series of posts, I have laid out my case against Pres. Biden and the Democrats. This is not to say the Republicans are perfect. We are all imperfect, as human beings, so any grouping of us will have some flaws. My point is that in 2022, the Democrats have brought the nation to a very bad place, in very many respects, which I have outlined.

   I'm going to post an "after election" update, to follow up on how well the electorate lived up to what I was hoping for. I'll link it here, but until then, please go and vote your concience, or your self-interest, or whatever motivates you the most. 


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