
Showing posts from May, 2005


On Jan 30th of this year, I wrote a post attacking Bill Moyers' hypocracy. The final line was "It seems that 'he doth protest too much', and from the clearest of glass houses." Boy, was I ahead of the curve. I should have written "he has not yet begun to protest," because he was just warming up. This week's columns by Ann Coulter and John McCaslin (2nd item in his column) both mention Moyers' latest rants, and the picture they paint is not flattering. Moyers apparently sees himself as a target of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's new chairman, Ken Tomlinson. This is strange, considering that Moyers ended his affiliation with them when he stepped down from his role at PBS, which is partially funded by the CPB. Having watched Mr. Tomlinson explain his desire to provide more balanced programming by adding shows that are produced by conservatives, I can say with confidence that he is not "targeting," or trying to silence any ...


I must take issue with pundits comparing the Newsweek's "flushing the Koran" story to the Bush administration's WMD story. I don't recall 14 UN resolutions demanding that we stop defacing the Koran. Neither have I heard any other country's intelligence agency revealing that they believe the US has defaced a Koran. Finally, there are the dead bodies of the people killed by WMD in Iraq. I don't know how to compare this one to the alleged desecration of the Koran, unless someone produces the flushed pages. The difference is this: It has been proven that Saddam had WMD at some point, while no proof that any US personnel at Gitmo flushed a Koran down the toilet has been offered. Anyone comparing the two is off base.

A Study of the Palestinian Authority’s Promotion of Genocide: KILL A JEW, GO TO HEAVEN

I've spoken out against the Palestinian Authority often before, especially when it was controlled by Yasser Arafat. As Cal Thomas' latest column shows, things haven't changed under this new leader, Mahmoud Abbas. I don't think the average US citizen can understand the depth of the cancer in the roots of this society. The link in the outrageous title of this post leads to, and was adapted from a Palestinian Media Watch website. This site translates stories, cartoons, and even crossword puzzles from state-sponsored Palestinian media. See for yourself, and maybe you can understand why they must be included in the list of international terrorist organizations. Whether they are capable of spreading terrorism outside Israel and the surrounding countries is irrelevant. Worse than Saddam, the Palestinian Authority shares Al Queda's ideology; this is not a state we want to help bring into existence. I'm sure people said the same about Israel, but this place is very dif...


I have heard three somewhat vague reports, on CNN, FOXNEWS, and the NY POST, that it was actually a Guantanamo detainee who tore out pages of his government issued Koran and used them to clog his toilet in protest (of what, nothing was reported). If he's a Saudi, Afghani or Pakistani, why aren't those governments demanding he be turned over to face the death penalty under their laws? Why aren't the crowds in Islamic countries, and the Palestinian Authority turning on the phony "jihaddist" thugs who claim all manners of terrorist atrocities in Allah's name? Well, there's that little matter of Newsweek reporting that US servicemen flushed a Koran down the toilet as an interrogation technique. This sounds suspiciously like Washington "coctail party" gossip that got twisted into a "one anonymous source" news story, attempting to damage the Bush administration. I picture some addled-brained, but "high placed" bureaucrat, confusin...


Though mentioned in the last post, I decided to give "Warrior W" a stand alone post, as I think befits him. These three very rough sketches comprise a chapter of US and world history, with Pres. Bush as the warrior for freedom and liberty. His legacy will endure in the minds of all the peoples of the Middle East, inspiring them to freedom. Each drawing has full commentary, so here are the links: "Warrior W, the Iraq saga" part I , part II , part III ; also see these and the rest of my political art pieces HERE. I SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT; HE IS A GOOD MAN.


This excerpt from the AP reminds me of a drawing (link here and above) I did on 04/24/03: "Operation Matador, which began late Saturday, was launched after U.S. intelligence showed that followers of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had taken refuge in the desert border region _ believed to be a haven for smugglers and foreign fighters entering Iraq from Syria. Many of the insurgents were believed to have fled to remote parts of Anbar province after losses in Fallujah and Ramadi, farther east." "As many as 100 insurgents were killed in the first 48 hours of the offensive as U.S. troops cleared villages along the southern banks of the meandering Euphrates River, then crossed in rafts and on a pontoon bridge, the U.S. command said. Many of the dead remained trapped under rubble after attack planes and helicopter gunships pounded their hideouts." "At least three Marines were reported killed and 20 wounded in the first four days of the offensive _ the biggest U.S. operation si...


Just when I thought I'd seen it all, ABC's morning news program had a piece on John Bolton that showed what looked like "hidden camera" video footage, with quotes from abused employees, as well as experts putting it all into context. The only problem was that none of this had anything to do with Mr. Bolton! They mentioned him at the opening of the segment, then apparently cutting to a separate report from the past about abusive employers in general, following that with more comments about Mr. Bolton's "abusive" behavior! Of this I have no doubt: They made the comments from the past report about some other abusive employer sound as if they were about Mr. Bolton. Why ABC news thinks that people can't see through this type of anti-Bush administration propaganda is beyond me. How stupid do they think we are? I recommend that ABC get off the media bias horse, and stop competing for the crown of "biggest Bush-basher!" They only make themselves lo...


Brother Giuseppe (a pseudonym) is a special Ed teacher in the Bronx. He tells me that one student out of the 17 in his class is truly "learning disabled," and the rest are just students with outrageously undisciplined behavior, or "out of control." I heard tales of parents in gang attire attending parent-teacher meetings, along with a lack of personal hygiene that is passed down to the children. This is the front line in the war to educate our most needy children. The multcultural advocates that control the school system prohibit Brother Giuseppe from saying anything critical about the problems that are so apparent in the students' progress. This system has turned the power structure of education on it's head, and given the children more power than the educators. The parents are part of the problem, because most of them are product of the same failed educational system. If a student does something wrong, whether academically or behaviorally, the teacher must...


Michael Ledeen's latest column gives excellent examples of how deeply Iran is involved in worldwide terrorism, from Iraq to Michigan, USA. His conclusion that we are back to a "Sep. 10th" mindset is debatable, but what's going on in Iran shouldn't be. Here are some excerpts: "A few months ago, American forces in Iraq captured photographs and documents about a meeting in Syria between Iraqi terrorists and Syrian and Iranian intelligence officials . Similar information was found in Fallujah." "The ( Iranian , Saudi and Syrian) terror masters hoped and expected that they would be able to turn Iraq into a replay of Lebanon in the 1980s, when they drove American and French armed forces out of the country. But they have failed. Contrary to their hopes and expectations, we — and the Iraqi people — have not been spooked by the wave of terror, and the Iraqis have demonstrated grit, bravery, and patience far beyond most " "Two weeks ago there were ...


Chuck Colson has another excellent column about North Korea (linked in title). Those who think I exaggerate when I call the whole country a concentration camp should read his column, and I also recommend Christopher Hitchens' piece linked below. Mr. Colson also puts out a list of good links with alot of info on this horrible country. For further reading and information: Today’s BreakPoint offer: Information on North Korea— North Korea fact sheet and Ideas for College Campus Awareness Campaigns (from the North Korea Freedom Coalition). Visit this page on the State Department website to learn how to contact Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Support John Bolton , champion of human rights and religious freedom, as UN Ambassador. Learn more about what the Wilberforce Forum did during North Korea Freedom Week . Christopher Hitchens, “ Worse than 1984: North Korea, slave state ,” Slate, 2 May 2005. See BreakPoint’s issues and research page on North Korea . Kate Harris, “ Rescue the...


A blogger called Pejmanesque has an excellent post about some science magazines refusing to publish studies that are skeptical about man causing global warming (tip o' the hat to Amy Ridenour ). The subject has been a favorite debate topic of mine over the years, and I'm glad to see a crack in the wall of media silence imposed on my side in the debate. I call it a crack because it is only one report in one British media outlet. The magazines deny any censorship, of course. Being that it's the "fashionable wisdom," perhaps the major benefactors of these publications subscribe to this theory, and the magazines don't want to piss off their patrons. Just a thought. It's important to remember that these magazines have a small actual readership. Their publicity and influence on society is maximized only when larger media outlets report on something they've published. To put a finer point on it: The NY Times isn't going to report about anything skeptica...


Why don't the Republicans just come out and say that the private accounts will SUPPLEMENT the needed decreases in Social Security benefits that are coming anyway! This new talking point about "retirement security" is the lamest tactic yet. While their logis is true, the GOP is not leveling with the public any more than the Dems are, as they gleefully watch from the sidelines. When the President mentioned scaled means testing for the rate of growth of benefits (a fundamentally progressive idea), the Dems HOWLED that even Bill Gates should get his contribution to Social Security fully paid back, if such a thing is possible. The Dems are standing on their heads on this issue, among others. They are blocking legislation that will help the constituencies they claim as their own, namely the lower and middle class workers, as well as minorities that, as a group, have shorter life expectancies than the national average. Their idea of "add on" private accounts hurts the ...


Doug Giles makes a compelling case for Christians to support the death penalty. Here are two relevant paragraphs: If I were the toad that took the life of the Lundsford or the Lunde girl, the right "Christian" thing to do to show that I "love myself" would be to confess to the crime, give myself up to the police, seek forgiveness from Almighty God (and beg it from all family members of my victim) and then ask to be deleted. I’m not part of the Kool-Aid drinkers who think "loving your enemy as one loves himself" excludes punishing to death the perpetrator—whether it’s someone else or me. If I did such a damnable act and really loved myself, then I would dutifully subject my person to punishment—in particular to death. Yes, if I really loved myself, I would bear responsibility for my actions, which means that I would insist on taking one for the team by leaving this planet, via execution, because I have just violently offended the sensibility of the entire...