NOW, I'VE SEEN IT ALL. I've ranted before about Bill Moyers, among others, using religion to promote their political views on taxes and entitlement programs, while bashing Pres. Bush for his "faith based initiatives." It's ironic that this post I found starts off with the words "Does this count as a faith-based initiative?" The author, Shava Nerad, posts a newsletter from the Unitarian Universalist Association, which represents a group of congregations. The letter, "adapted from the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon," states that they will be performing "THE BLESSING OF THE TAXES" at several congregations around the country between Apr. 8th and 17th. An excerpt:

"What you can do:

* Lay hands on envelopes containing tax returns or copies of returns in worship, and pray over them; or create an altar for tax returns
* Weave the blessing into sermons or pastoral prayers
* Conduct special worship services
* Conduct prayer vigils at local Post Offices on April 15 (a great and easy way to get local media attention!)
* Distribute the blessing with attached information about how taxes are used and how citizens can contact their legislators"

...Now I hear all about the right wing Christians that support Pres. Bush, but both of these TAX EXEMPT religious organizations repeatedly identify themselves as liberal, and as supporting liberal political action. I respect their religious beliefs, but aren't they against imposing them on others that don't share them? That is the main prostest against many of Pres. Bush's initiatives and policies. Unfortunately, we have an example of what a President with their views actually DID in office: Jimmy Carter. The reality is that the liberal methods of "ending" poverty have only institutionalized it on a generational scale. The "compassionate conservative" approach, which originated before Pres. Bush with welfare reform in the '90's, has proven itself even through the recession Pres. Clinton left Pres. Bush with. When the government advertises on TV for people to get food stamps, I think we need to try something radically different than what these groups espouse.

My one question: Do I have to join a Church for unregulated, tax-free political speech if the FEC takes my blog away?


Shava said…
my goodness, dear, Unitarians aren't all empty headed liberals. Some of us found a profound sense of irony in the whole thing. I recommend it over cynicism, in general. Better for your heart. You might even smile a bit?

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