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The first amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grieveances."

The far-left have some other constitution they call a "living document." It's first amendment says, "There is an inseperable wall between Church and State. Religion shall be supressed to only being expressed in private...."
Or something like that.

Through constant judicial activism, the ACLU has been one of the primary founders of this "living document", as well as many activist judges who have written it from the bench.

For example, the ACLU has constantly tried to redefine the First Amendment's protections of press and speech to include all kinds of filth and perverse things including child porn.

The Establishment Clause is one of the most abused sections in the Constitution, completely twisted out of context from its original meaning. For example the ACLU's claim that a voluntary prayer made by a high school valedictorian, selected on completely neutral grounds, or the posting of Ten Commandments by organizations with private funds on a public Courthouse lawn, somehow violates the Establisment Clause. Neither of these acts are done by Congress, nor are they "laws" that establish religion.

Many local governments across Georgia and other states begin their meetings with a prayer and reference the Christian deity during the invocation. However, the ACLU says doing so is unconstitutional, and last year federal courts in South Carolina agreed with them.

"The courts have said that if they are going to have these prayers, they have to be inclusive," said Maggie Garrett, a staff attorney for ACLU of Georgia who filed earlier this month against the Cobb County government for the practice.Source

What the majority thinks doesn't matter anymore. Former ACLU Executive Director Ira Glasser made that clear when he said in an ACLU press release after Alaska voted for a constitutional amendment to preserve the traditional definition of marraige, "Today's results prove that certain fundamental issues should not be left up to a majority vote."

See, the ACLU believes they know what is best for America, not the people. And this type of elitism defines them. Somtimes it is very obvious such as comparing religion to terrorism. And this guy was serious.

I'm gonna go ahead and start promoting a book that will be coming out very soon, which I highly suggest you all go out and buy when it does. I was sent an advance copy, and to illustrate my point...I'm gonna quote from The ACLU Vs. America by Alan Sears and Craig Osten.

"Dennis Prager, a well known columnist and radio host, perhaps best expressed the ACLU's worldview (and that of its allies) and its antagonism toward American values, when he wrote the following:"

To understand the worldwide ideological battle - especially the one between America itself - one must understand the vast differences between leftist and rightest worldviews and between secular and religious (specifically Judeo-Christian) values.

One of the most important of these differences is their attitudes toward law. Generally speaking, the Left and the secularists venerate, if not worship law. They put their faith in law-both national and international. For most of the Left, "Is it legal?" is usually the question that determines whether an action is right or wrong....

To the Left, legality matters most, while to the Right, legality matters far less than morality. To the Right and to the religious, the law, when it is doing its job, is only a vehicle to morality, never a moral end in itself. Even the Left has to acknowledge this. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus in 1955, she violated the law. Therefore, anyone who thinks she did the right thing is acknowledging that law must be subserviant to morality...

And why is the Left so enamored by law?

First, the Left, which is largely secular, regards morality no as absolute, but as relative. This inevitability leads to moral confusion, and no one likes to be morally confused. So instead of moral absolutes, the left holds legal absolutes. "Legal" for the Left is what "moral" is for the Right. The religious have a belief in a God-based moral law, and the Left believes in man-made law as the moral law.

Second, whereas they cannot change God's laws, those on the Left can and do make many of society's laws. In fact the Left is intoxicated with law-making. It gives them the power to mold society just as Judeo-Christian values did in the past. Unless one understands that the leftist ideals function as a religion, one cannot understand the Left.

Laws are the Left's vehicles to earthly salvation. Virtually all human problems have a legal solution. Some men harass women? Pass laws banning virtually every flirtatious action a man might engage in vis-a-vis a woman. Flood legislatures with laws preventing the creation of a "hostile work environment." Whereas the religious world has always worked to teach men how to act toward women, the secular world, lacking these religious values, passes laws to control men.

In fact, since it lacks the self-control apparatus that is a major part of religion, the Left passes more and more laws to control people. That is why there is a direct link between the decline in Judeo-Christian religion and the increase in governmental laws controlling human behavior.

Of course, the more laws that are passed, the less liberty society enjoys. But to the Left, which elevates any number of values above liberty-e.g. compassion, equality, fairness- this presents little problem.

All this helps to explain the Left's preoccupation with controlling courts; passing laws; producing, enriching and empowering lawyers; filing lawsuits; and naming judges. Laws and the makers of laws will produce heaven on earth. And that is why the Left hates the America....(that) says morality is higher than man-made law.

A very well written piece there that very accurately describes the situation. It isn't just the ACLU's fault that America is losing its moral values, a big part is also played by the judges who rule in their favor. Relativive moralism, and Political Correctness are eating America alive.

This type of thinking leads to totalitarian societies that the ACLU and its leftist allies say they oppose but Roger Baldwin admired during their "struggle in a transition period to Socialism." When society exalts individual rights over collective responsibility, then speech or actions seen as interfering with the right of the individual must be silenced. When law, instead of God, is seen as the salvation of mankind, more and more restrictive laws are passed to ultimately limit freedom rather than expand it.ACLU Vs. America

That is exactly what is happening. The ACLU is shaping America in its ugly socialist image. It is restricting liberty rather than protecting it. They censor speech rather than protect it. Public school teachers are scared to say "Merry Christmas", and County Commisions are afraid to pray in the name of Jesus.

If they continue their agenda unchallenged, they will create an America far from what our founding fathers fled in order to find freedom, and instead, we will become more like the countries the fled from.

But hope is not lost. ADF and other grassroots groups like Stop The ACLU, and other legal groups are here to fight. We can't do it without you. We want to expand our reach by getting an ad in the Washington Post. Go Here to see how you can help.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU blogburst. Almost 100 blogs already on board. If you want to join us go to our portal and register. Its very simple. We will add you to the mailing list and send you the rest of the info at that point.


loboinok said…

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