Are Songebob and Lincoln Gay? Another "Tinky Winky" story!

Are Songebob and Lincoln Gay? Another "Tinky Winky" story!
Both liberal and conservative groups have tried to tie the "gay" label to cultural figures, for different reasons. Personally, a person's sexual orientation should not make a difference one way or another. The crucial factor in the equation is the reaction to the "outing", or declaration of gayness. The more sensitive the figure is to conservative or traditional values, the more publicity it gets. This explains why cultural icons like Pres. Lincoln get grouped with cartoon characters that are popular with children. Traditional families do not want their children to be taught that "gay is OK", nor do they want them to be taught that Pres. Lincoln was gay. This is the cultural divide. Adults should be free to debate these things, but children should be taught their parents' culture and value system, and the schools should be wary of treading over that right. My parents taught me that being gay was OK, and I firmly believe in that right for human beings. I also believe that it is a sin to engage in homosexual behavior, just as heterosexual behavior is outside of marriage. My point is that we are all sinners, and for anyone to worry if Pres. Lincoln's sins included homosexuality, or if Spongebob and Tinky Winky may be teaching your child to be gay is absolutely ludicrous. Saving souls is what Christianity is about, and we should not be scared to show our children the morally weakest, who need saving the most. Teach them to forgive other sinners as God forgives us, if we truly repent. Christians judge people on the content of their heart, not on their sexual proclivities.


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