More Funny Stuff on PBS' NEWSHOUR

So I'm watching the NEWSHOUR on PBS again, and they're debating the new mercury regulations: a 70 percent reduction over the next 12 years of airborn emissions. One industry guy, one environmentalist. The enviro guy opens with how many babies will be at risk of "severe brain damage" if we don't do it sooner. The industry guy responds that while the companies that sell the "environmental" technology claim to be able to meet the goal now, they won't guarantee it on paper. He points out that if the technology isn't ready, as is his belief, that industry will have to cut production to meet the standards if enforced sooner. Here's what cracked me up: the enviro guy accuses the industry guy of using "scare tactics", then goes on about how a kid born today might not be able to develop a normal brain by the time the proposed standards take effect! To be fair to the NEWSHOUR, their moderator poked some holes in the enviro guy's logic, such as the fact that the mercury problem in fish won't be fixed by this, because most fish we eat are caught outside of the US. I believe that mercury contamination is a problem, but I see knowledge as the answer, not scare tactics. From what I understand, fish is the major source of mercury poisoning, and the fish industry is resisting labeling mercury content. A smart person would just cut down, or stop eating fish until the mercury content is available, whether done voluntarily by the industry or forced by law. I hope it doesn't end up in a class action suit against the "big fish" industry, but nothing would surprise me after hearing this enviro wacko on the NEWSHOUR. If half of what he alleged was true, we'd be a nation of idiots, which is what he seems to take us for!


Rosemary Welch said…
Hehehe. Good post. I always some fiction now and then. Not you, them. :)

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